Summary for Test 2021-02-19-30-4
Test performed: AASHTO T84-14Project Information
Project Identifiers | Project ID: 208973 DEA: 120H1004 EFIS: 1200000180 COOP: 120670 |
DIST-CO-RTE-PM | 12-ORA-405,73,405,605-9.3/24.3 |
Award Date | 11/07/2016 |
Closeout Date | Not set |
Work Description | (Alternative Delivery) San Diego Freeway (I-405) Improvement Project SR-73 to I-605, Design Build Project, Administered by Orange County Transportation Authority, Caltrans METS to perform Source Inspection per RFP. |
Location Description | Orange and Los Angeles Counties: 12-ORA-405 PM 9.3/24.2 / 07-LA-405 PM 0.0/1.2 12-ORA-22 PM R0.7/R3.8 / 12-ORA-22 PM R0.5/R0.7 12-ORA-73 PM R27.2/R27.8 / 12-ORA-605 PM 3.5/R1.6 07-LA-605 PM R0.0/R1.2 |
QA Service Level | 1 (Verified on 09/10/2015) |
Sample Information
Sample Taken Date | 02/19/2021 | Sample Unique Key | 30 |
Will the laboratory/organization for which you are a member perform testing on this material sample? | Yes | Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing | 02/23/2021 |
Sample type | Verification | A brief description of the sample | JMF 3/4" HMA-A-SP R15 NO LAS |
The quantity of what the sample constitutes | 4 Bags of Aggregate, 4 Bags of RAP | From where was the sample collected | Manufacturer |
First name of sampler or witnessed by | All American Corona | Last name of sampler or witnessed by | QC |
Title of sampler | Telephone number of sampler | ||
Laboratory sample identification | 0152A-21 | Linked DIME Sample ID | |
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility name | All American Asphalt Corona | Transportation Laboratory (TL) Number | |
Inspector Lot Number from the Transportation Laboratory (TL) Form | Structure unique identifier | ||
Structure name |
Material Information
Material Type | Aggregate | Source Identification (SMARA, name of Pit or Job Site) | 91-33-0005 |
The fabricator's/manufacturer's product name for the sample | 3/4 HMA-A-SP R15 | The fabricator/manufacturer designation for the sample | |
The plant number | 105793 | A detailed description of where the material sample was collected | Belt Cut at All American Corona Plant |
Where the material sample would have been placed if not sampled | Asphalt Paving | Primary Aggregate Nominal Size | 3/4 inch |
The concrete mix design number | Lot number | ||
Sublot number | Aggregate Mix Number | Not set |
Test Details
DIME Sample ID: 2021-02-19-30
DIME Test ID: 2021-02-19-30-4
Testing Lab: CT D08 - Fontana Southern Regional Laboratory
Test Method: AASHTO T84-14: Standard Method of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate (Fine Specific Gravity)
Test Release Date: 2021-03-03
Test Results
Input Type: Measured
Tester's full name: Friday Ofoegbu
Date of test: 02/27/2021
Mass of saturated surface dry sample (before pycnometer) (S): 500.0 grams
Mass of the pycnometer with water and aggregate (C): 990.2 grams
Mass of the pycnometer with water (B): 674.7 grams
Mass of the oven dried sample (before pycnometer) (A): 493.3 grams
Mass of the saturated surface dry aggregate (for absorption) (S): 500.0 grams
Mass of the oven dry aggregate (for absorption) (A): 493.3 grams
Test Sample Preparation: Total Saturation
Bulk specific gravity: 2.674
Bulk specific gravity (SSD Basis): 2.710
Apparent specific gravity: 2.774
Absorption: 1.4 %
General comments (publicly viewable) (Max 1000 characters):
Test was verified on 3/3/2021 ✔