Sample Record

Owner Lab

  • CT D08 - Fontana Southern Regional Laboratory

DIME Sample ID 2022-07-08-102

Project Information

Project IdentifiersProject ID: 214336
DEA: 07302404
EFIS: 0713000488
Award Date11/17/2020
Closeout Date09/24/2024
Work DescriptionPADRE JUAN REHAB
Location DescriptionVEN 101
QA Service Level1 (Verified on 02/26/2021)

Sample Information

Sample Taken Date07/08/2022 Sample Unique Key102
Will the laboratory/organization for which you are a member perform testing on this material sample?Yes Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing08/04/2022
Sample typeVerification A brief description of the sampleHi-Natural
The quantity of what the sample constitutes1 Gallon Hi-Nat From where was the sample collectedManufacturer
First name of sampler or witnessed byAvo Last name of sampler or witnessed byKarajian
Title of sampler Telephone number of sampler
Laboratory sample identification0522G-22 Linked DIME Sample ID
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility nameGranite Construction - Santa Paula Transportation Laboratory (TL) Number
Inspector Lot Number from the Transportation Laboratory (TL) Form Structure unique identifier
Structure name

Material Information

Material TypeCrumb Rubber Modifier CRM TypeHigh Natural
Crumb Rubber Modifier Mix NumberNot set

Submitted Tests

DIME Test IDTest MethodTester Name, Testing LabDate TestedSubmitted ByVerified?Release DateTest CommentsActions
2022-07-08-102-1CTM 208-September 2011: Method of Test for Apparent Specific Gravity of Fine AggregatesAmir Behjati, CT D08 - Fontana Southern Regional Laboratory08/14/2022Satish Jain
2022-07-08-102-2CTM 385-July 2022: Method of Test for Crumb Rubber Modifier (CRM)Amir Behjati, CT D08 - Fontana Southern Regional Laboratory08/14/2022Satish Jain

Sample File Attachments

File NameExtensionDate UploadedActions
No results found.

Test File Attachments

DIME Test ID: 2022-07-08-102-1 CTM 208-September 2011 (Verified)
DIME Test ID: 2022-07-08-102-2 CTM 385-July 2022 (Verified)