Sample Record
Owner Lab
- CT HQ - Sacramento Aggregate Testing Laboratory
DIME Sample ID 2020-03-05-22
Sample is locked from editing. info
Project Information
Project Identifiers | Project ID: 66666 DEA: APP EFIS: 0019000052 |
DIST-CO-RTE-PM | 59--- |
Award Date | Not set |
Closeout Date | Not set |
Work Description | Special project for submitting Sample information for Aggregate Pre-approval Program (APP). Object Code: 1025. J2 DEA: 912680. |
Location Description | Not set |
QA Service Level | NOT VERIFIED |
Sample Information
Sample Taken Date | 03/05/2020 | Sample Unique Key | 22 |
Will the laboratory/organization for which you are a member perform testing on this material sample? | Yes | Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing | 04/08/2020 |
Sample type | Aggregate Prequalification Program | A brief description of the sample | 3/8" CA Pea Gravel |
The quantity of what the sample constitutes | production stockpile. | From where was the sample collected | Manufacturer |
First name of sampler or witnessed by | Kevin | Last name of sampler or witnessed by | Owen |
Title of sampler | Quality Control Supervisor | Telephone number of sampler | 209-481-2952 |
Laboratory sample identification | 20-APPC-0050 | Linked DIME Sample ID | 2020-3-5-13 |
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility name | Santa Fe Kaweah South | Transportation Laboratory (TL) Number | |
Inspector Lot Number from the Transportation Laboratory (TL) Form | Structure unique identifier | ||
Structure name |
Material Information
Material Type | Aggregate | Source Identification (SMARA, name of Pit or Job Site) | 91-54-0036::KAWEAH SOUTH |
The fabricator's/manufacturer's product name for the sample | Unknown | The fabricator/manufacturer designation for the sample | Unknown |
The plant number | Unknown | A detailed description of where the material sample was collected | Stockpile at the Plant |
Where the material sample would have been placed if not sampled | Unknown | Primary Aggregate Nominal Size | 3/8 inch |
The concrete mix design number | Unknown | Lot number | Unknown |
Sublot number | Unknown | Aggregate Mix Number | Not set |
Submitted Tests
Sample File Attachments
File Name | Extension | Date Uploaded | Actions |
No results found. |
Test File Attachments
DIME Test ID: 2020-03-05-22-1 CTM 202-November 2011 (Verified)
DIME Test ID: 2020-03-05-22-2 CTM 211-May 2010 (Verified)
DIME Test ID: 2020-03-05-22-3 CTM 214-August 2010 (Verified)
DIME Test ID: 2020-03-05-22-4 CTM 227-December 2014 (Verified)