Sample Record

Owner Lab

  • Pro-Cast Products, Incorporated - Highland

DIME Sample ID 2015-01-20-9

Project Information

Project IdentifiersProject ID: 214291
DEA: 042J3204
EFIS: 0414000488
Award Date09/20/2019
Closeout Date01/13/2023
Work DescriptionReplace existing weigh-in-motion with PJCP WIM
Location Description880 in Hayward
QA Service Level1 (Verified on 09/16/2019)

Sample Information

Sample Taken Date01/20/2015 Sample Unique Key9
Will the laboratory/organization for which you are a member perform testing on this material sample?No Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing01/21/2015
Sample typeInformational A brief description of the sampleMix Design CTE
The quantity of what the sample constitutes(4) 4x8 cylinders From where was the sample collectedManufacturer
First name of sampler or witnessed byR Davenport Last name of sampler or witnessed byAnderson
Title of samplerLab Technician Telephone number of sampler
Laboratory sample identificationCH15-069 and CH15-070 Linked DIME Sample ID
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility namePro-Cast Products Transportation Laboratory (TL) Number
Inspector Lot Number from the Transportation Laboratory (TL) Form Structure unique identifier
Structure namePrecast Paving Panels

Material Information

Material TypeConcrete The concrete mix design numberRRM14062
The truck number from where the sample was collected The batch plant ticket number from where the sample was collected1304781
Concrete batch plantRobertsons Redlands The fabricator/manufacturer designation for the sample
A detailed description of where the material sample was collectedAt Pro-Cast Products facility in Highland during a precast pour Where the material sample would have been placed if not sampled
From Lot No. Bag Lot No.

Submitted Tests

DIME Test IDTest MethodTester Name, Testing LabDate TestedSubmitted ByVerified?Release DateTest CommentsActions
2015-01-20-9-1AASHTO T336-15: Standard Method of Test for Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Hydraulic Cement ConcreteR Davenport, Pro-Cast Products, Incorporated - Highland03/12/2015Chad Anderson
01/16/2020These are the averages between the two samples, individual sample data available upon request

Sample File Attachments

File NameExtensionDate UploadedActions
No results found.

Test File Attachments

DIME Test ID: 2015-01-20-9-1 AASHTO T336-15 (Verified)