Summary for Test 2017-02-13-4-1
Test performed: CONCLP 3-16Project Information
Project Identifiers | Project ID: 211812 DEA: 030G4804 EFIS: 0315000225 |
DIST-CO-RTE-PM | 03-YOL-113,505-Var |
Award Date | 12/12/2016 |
Closeout Date | 01/17/2012 |
QA Service Level | 1 (Verified on 10/20/2016) |
Sample Information
Sample Taken Date | 02/13/2017 | Sample Unique Key | 4 |
Will the laboratory/organization for which you are a member perform testing on this material sample? | Yes | Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing | 01/11/2017 |
Sample type | Quality Assurance | A brief description of the sample | polyester resin |
The quantity of what the sample constitutes | 2 tankers | From where was the sample collected | Manufacturer |
First name of sampler or witnessed by | Chris | Last name of sampler or witnessed by | nanes |
Title of sampler | Unknown | Telephone number of sampler | Unknown |
Laboratory sample identification | 17-012 | Linked DIME Sample ID | Unknown |
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility name | reichhold azusa | Transportation Laboratory (TL) Number | c594917 |
Inspector Lot Number from the Transportation Laboratory (TL) Form | Unknown | Structure unique identifier | Not set |
Structure name | Not set |
Material Information
Material Type | Polyester | Mfg. Lot Number(s) | 1030887 |
Batch number | 1030887 | Mix number | 3226 |
Test Details
DIME Sample ID: 2017-02-13-4
DIME Test ID: 2017-02-13-4-1
Testing Lab: CT HQ - Sacramento Concrete Testing Laboratory
Test Method: CONCLP 3-16: Polyester Resin
Test Release Date: 2017-05-25
Test Results
Input Type: Calculated
Tester's full name: Mike Mullins
Date of test: 02/27/2017
Viscosity ASTM D 2196, RVT, No. 1 spindle 75 to 200 cps @ 20 RPM, 77°F: 101.5 cps
Specific gravity ASTM D 1475 1.05 to 1.10 @ 77°F: 1.08
Conditioning (18/25/50 + 5/70) Elogation ASTM D 638, minimum 35%: 66 %
Tensile Strength ASTM D 638 Type 1 @ 0.45 in/min, minimum 2500 psi: 3290 psi
Styrene ASTM D 2369 40% to 50 %: 46.3 %
PCC - SSD bond strength CTM 551 500 psi minimun @ 24 hours: 0 psi
Static Volatile Emissions, SCAQMD 309-91, maximum loss 1.0 grams: 0.4 grams
General comments (publicly viewable) (Max 1000 characters): accepted Q.C. CT551 results 519psi
Test was verified on 5/25/2017 ✔