Summary for Test 2019-11-25-39-1

Test performed: ASTM C39-17a

Project Information

Project IdentifiersProject ID: 210673
DEA: 042640F4
EFIS: 0400020132
COOP: 042308A3
Award Date08/08/2019
Closeout Date02/16/2024
Work DescriptionNot set
Location DescriptionNot set
QA Service Level1 (Verified on 04/11/2022)

Sample Information

Sample Taken Date11/25/2019 Sample Unique Key39
Will the laboratory/organization for which you are a member perform testing on this material sample?Yes Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing12/17/2019
Sample typeQuality Assurance A brief description of the sample6x12 concrete cylinders
The quantity of what the sample constitutesTwo cylinders From where was the sample collectedJob Site
First name of sampler or witnessed byP Last name of sampler or witnessed byLatasa
Title of sampler Telephone number of sampler
Laboratory sample identification Linked DIME Sample ID
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility nameJobsite Transportation Laboratory (TL) Number281558
Inspector Lot Number from the Transportation Laboratory (TL) Form Structure unique identifier
Structure name

Material Information

Material TypeConcrete The concrete mix design number4201A
The truck number from where the sample was collectedUnknown The batch plant ticket number from where the sample was collected00000000000000000
Concrete batch plantUnknown The fabricator/manufacturer designation for the sampleUnknown
A detailed description of where the material sample was collectedJobsite Where the material sample would have been placed if not sampledUnknown
From Lot No.Unknown Bag Lot No.Unknown

Test Details

DIME Sample ID: 2019-11-25-39
DIME Test ID: 2019-11-25-39-1
Testing Lab: CT HQ - Sacramento Concrete Testing Laboratory
Test Method: ASTM C39-17a: Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens
Test Release Date: 2019-12-23

Test Results

Unit system used?: US Units
Number of specimens: 2
Test performed: With no density determined
Input Type: Measured
Tester's full name: LMC
Date of test: 12/23/2019
Capped in accordance with?: ASTM C617/CTM521
Average diameter of cylinder 1: 6.02 in
Average diameter of cylinder 2: 6.02 in
Maximum load on cylinder 1: 178038 lb
Maximum load on cylinder 2: 180160 lb
Type of fracture pattern of cylinder 1: 2
Type of fracture pattern of cylinder 2: 2
Comment on any defect in either specimen or caps (Max 250 Characters): no data
Correction factor for cylinder 1: 1.00
Correction factor for cylinder 2: 1.00
Age of specimen: 28 days
Age of specimen in hours: no data
Cross sectional area of cylinder 1: 28.45 in^2
Cross sectional area of cylinder 2: 28.45 in^2
Compressive strength of cylinder 1: 6,257.9 psi
Compressive strength of cylinder 2: 6,332.5 psi
Compressive strength (to nearest 10 psi): 6300 psi
General comments (publicly viewable) (Max 1000 characters):
Test Graph
Source: Partner Data Point File
Test graph for Cylinder Code 1 of 2

Source: Partner Data Point File
Test graph for Cylinder Code 2 of 2

Test was verified on 12/23/2019