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Displaying 1-25 of 387 results.
Test OrgTest PrefixTest NumberVersionTest NamePartDate AddedMaterial TypeSample Card
AASHTOT35019Multiple Stress Creep Recovery (MSCR) Test of Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)Multiple Stress Creep Recovery6/17/2020Asphalt Binder
AASHTOT31512Standard Method of Test for Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)Dynamic Shear6/14/2016Asphalt Binder
AASHTOT1487Measuring Length of Drilled Concrete Cores 1/1/2014Concrete
AASHTOT24515r19Resistance to Plastic Flow of Asphalt Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus 5/13/2021Hot Mix Asphalt
Partial Depth Recycling
AASHTOT31520Standard Method of Test for Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)Dynamic Shear6/10/2021Asphalt Binder
AASHTOT20912Standard Method of Test for Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity (Gmm) and Density of Asphalt MixturesMaximum Specific Gravity4/29/2015Aggregate
Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
Hot Mix Asphalt
Partial Depth Recycling
AASHTOT26515r19Standard Method of Test for Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content of Soils 8/9/2021Partial Depth Recycling
AASHTOT2714Standard Method of Test for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse AggregatesSieve Analysis4/29/2015Aggregate
Antistrip Additive
Partial Depth Recycling
AASHTOT33113r17Standard Method of Test for Bulk Specific Gravity (Gmb) and Density of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures Using Automatic Vacuum Sealing Method  8/10/2021Partial Depth Recycling
AASHTOT9602r10Standard Method of Test for Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles MachineLos Angeles Rattler1/1/2013Aggregate
AASHTOT30411Standard Method of Test for Uncompacted Void Content of Fine AggregateFine of Crushed Particles1/1/2013Aggregate
AASHTOT33615Standard Method of Test for Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Hydraulic Cement Concrete 11/4/2015Concrete
AASHTOT8414Standard Method of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine AggregateFine Specific Gravity1/1/2013Aggregate
AASHTOT115Standard Method of Test for Materials Finer Than 75-μm (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing 1/1/2013Aggregate
Partial Depth Recycling
AASHTOT8513Standard Method of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse AggregateCoarse Specific Gravity1/1/2013Aggregate
AASHTOT215Standard Method of Test for Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates for Concrete 1/1/2013Aggregate
AASHTOT30122Standard Method of Test for Elastic Recovery Test of Asphalt Materials by Means of a Ductilometer8/23/2022Asphalt Binder
Asphaltic Emulsion
AASHTOT17608Standard Method of Test for Plastic Fines in Graded Aggregates and Soils by Use of the Sand Equivalent TestSand Equivalent1/1/2013Aggregate
AASHTOT31322Standard Method of Test for Determining the Flexural Creep Stiffness of Asphalt Binder Using the Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) 8/23/2022Asphalt Binder
Asphaltic Emulsion
AASHTOT2550Standard Method of Test for Total Evaporable Moisture Content of Aggregate by Drying 1/1/2013Aggregate
AASHTOT5122Standard Method of Test for Ductility of Asphalt MaterialsAsphalt Binder8/24/2022Asphalt Binder
AASHTOT21015Standard Method of Test for Aggregate Durability IndexDurability Index1/1/2013Aggregate
AASHTOT31522Standard Method of Test for Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)Dynamic Shear8/24/2022Asphalt Binder
AASHTOT5922Standard Method of Test for Emulsified AsphaltsResidue and Oil Distillate (Sec. 6)8/25/2022Asphaltic Emulsion
AASHTOT5922Standard Method of Test for Emulsified AsphaltsViscosity (Saybolt Furol) (Sec. 9)8/25/2022Asphaltic Emulsion