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Displaying 1-25 of 382 results.
Test OrgTest PrefixTest NumberVersionTest NamePartDate AddedMaterial TypeSample Card
SMTLTESTENV16SMTL Test Environment 6/5/2015SMTL TM1 - Elastomeric Bearing Pad
SMTLDIMN15Dimensional Verification 5/6/2015SMTL TM3 - Fastener Assembly
SMTLCHEM16Steel Chemistry Analysis 3/11/2015SMTL TM6 - Steel Check Sample Plate
SMTLBILST06(Neoprene Verification) Bilstein Test 10/22/2014SMTL TM1 - Elastomeric Bearing Pad
SMTL TM2 - Type B Elastomeric Joint Seal
ASTMA97015e1Standard Specification for Headed Steel Bars for Concrete ReinforcementTensile2/13/2015SMTL TM5 - Headed Bars
ASTMA97018Standard Specification for Headed Steel Bars for Concrete ReinforcementTensile12/10/2021SMTL TM5 - Headed Bars
AASHTOT9602r10Standard Method of Test for Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles MachineLos Angeles Rattler1/1/2013Aggregate
ASTMA93413Standard Specification for Epoxy-Coated Prefabricated Steel Reinforcing BarsEpoxy-Coating6/30/2015SMTL TM4 - Prestressing Strand
SMTL TM5 - Threaded Bar
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Dowels
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Rebar
SMTL TM8 - Welded Wire Mesh
SMTL TM5 - Couplers
SMTL TM5 - Headed Bars
SMTL TM5 - Welded Hoops
ASTMA93419Standard Specification for Epoxy-Coated Prefabricated Steel Reinforcing BarsEpoxy-Coating12/10/2021SMTL TM4 - Prestressing Strand
SMTL TM5 - Threaded Bar
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Dowels
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Rebar
SMTL TM8 - Welded Wire Mesh
SMTL TM5 - Couplers
SMTL TM5 - Headed Bars
SMTL TM5 - Welded Hoops
ASTMA93419Standard Specification for Epoxy-Coated Prefabricated Steel Reinforcing BarsHoliday Bend12/10/2021SMTL TM5 - Couplers
SMTL TM5 - Welded Hoops
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Dowels
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Rebar
ASTMA93413Standard Specification for Epoxy-Coated Prefabricated Steel Reinforcing BarsHoliday Bend8/12/2016SMTL TM5 - Couplers
SMTL TM5 - Welded Hoops
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Dowels
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Rebar
ASTMA9310810Standard Test Method for Tension Testing of Wire Ropes and StrandDiameter Verification7/6/2015SMTL TM10 - Wire Rope Choker
ASTMA9310810Standard Test Method for Tension Testing of Wire Ropes and StrandBreaking Force7/6/2015SMTL TM10 - Wire Rope Choker
ASTMA93118Standard Test Method for Tension Testing of Wire Ropes and StrandDiameter Verification12/10/2021SMTL TM10 - Wire Rope Choker
ASTMA93118Standard Test Method for Tension Testing of Wire Ropes and StrandBreaking Force12/10/2021SMTL TM10 - Wire Rope Choker
ASTMD9316Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup TesterFlash Point1/24/2018Paint
ASTMD9212bStandard Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup TesterFlash Point6/14/2017Asphalt Modifier
ASTMA88414Standard Specification for Epoxy-Coated Steel Wire and Welded Wire ReinforcementEpoxy Coating Thickness7/6/2015SMTL TM8 - Welded Wire Mesh
SMTL TM5 - Couplers
SMTL TM5 - Headed Bars
SMTL TM5 - Threaded Bar
SMTL TM5 - Welded Hoops
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Dowels
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Rebar
ASTMA88419e20Standard Specification for Epoxy-Coated Steel Wire and Welded Wire ReinforcementHoliday12/10/2021SMTL TM5 - Couplers
SMTL TM5 - Welded Hoops
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Dowels
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Rebar
SMTL TM5 - Threaded Bar
ASTMA88419e20Standard Specification for Epoxy-Coated Steel Wire and Welded Wire ReinforcementEpoxy Coating Thickness12/10/2021SMTL TM8 - Welded Wire Mesh
SMTL TM5 - Couplers
SMTL TM5 - Headed Bars
SMTL TM5 - Threaded Bar
SMTL TM5 - Welded Hoops
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Dowels
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Rebar
ASTMA88413Standard Specification for Epoxy-Coated Steel Wire and Welded Wire ReinforcementHoliday8/19/2016SMTL TM5 - Couplers
SMTL TM5 - Welded Hoops
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Dowels
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Rebar
SMTL TM5 - Threaded Bar
ASTMA88204a-re10Standard Specification for Filled Epoxy-Coated Seven-Wire Prestressing Steel Strand (Withdrawn 2019) 12/16/2014SMTL TM4 - Prestressing Strand
ASTMA88204a-re10Standard Specification for Filled Epoxy-Coated Seven-Wire Prestressing Steel Strand (Withdrawn 2019)Coating Adhesion10/26/2015SMTL TM4 - Prestressing Strand
ASTMA88220Standard Specification for Filled Epoxy-Coated Seven-Wire Prestressing Steel Strand (Withdrawn 2019)12/10/2021SMTL TM4 - Prestressing Strand
ASTMA88220Standard Specification for Filled Epoxy-Coated Seven-Wire Prestressing Steel Strand (Withdrawn 2019)Coating Adhesion12/10/2021SMTL TM4 - Prestressing Strand