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Displaying 17261-17270 of 17618 results.
Project IDProject IdentifiersDIST-CO-RTE-PMWork DescriptionLocation DescriptionCaltrans Closeout DateMETS Service LevelActions
213132Project ID: 213132
DEA: 03372814
EFIS: 0314000301
Permit Numbers: 0317AOP0994 0318ADP0096
03-ED-50-16/16.6Western Placerville Interchanges Project Phase 2. Construction of EB auxiliary lane Forni Road, EB off ramp at Ray Lawyer Drive, a storm water detention basin and a signalized intersection at Ray Lawyer Drive.US 50, Placerville07/27/20202 (02/16/2018)Details CEM-3701 Report
2508Project ID: 2508
Permit Numbers: 05086DP0450
05-SB-101,217-VariousInstall Santa Barbara Airport guide signs. RELATED PERMIT: 05-07-N-MC-0631US Highway 101 and State Route 21709/17/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
1765Project ID: 1765
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 0410NMC0628
04-MRN-101-18.6/19.1Construction of class 1 bike path 3,200 in length.US Highway 101, Novato01/21/2019NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
213884Project ID: 213884
DEA: 051F1004
EFIS: 0513000057
Permit Numbers: 0519NOP0704 0520NDP0091
05---82.18/-1Re-align on and off-ramps at NB interchange. Signalize the intersection, revise pavement delineation and markings on Clark Avenue, minor pavement rehabilitation, guardrail replacement and widening at southbound off-ramp.Construct interchange improvements at US Highway 101 and Clark Avenue accordinUS Highway 101, Orcutt unincorporated08/17/20221 (02/18/2020)Details CEM-3701 Report
209582Project ID: 209582
Permit Numbers: 0814AOP0302 0815ARW0292 0815ARD0322 0816ART0264 0817ART0270
08-SBD-395-12.1/12.8Enter onto SR-395, north of Victor Street to Mojave Drive, in the City of Adelanto to construct street improvements including: replacing pavement, construction of curb & gutter, drainage inlet, sidewalk, ramps, driveways, AC trapezoidal channel, storm drain pipe, relocation/adjustment of existiUS Highway 395, Adelanto07/31/20181 (10/26/2017)Details CEM-3701 Report
209284Project ID: 209284
DEA: 032F21U3
EFIS: 0313000172
COOP: 03130001724
03-SAC-50-2.5/0.6NOTIFY SMR BEFORE RESPONDING TO ANY REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION OR TESTING.The Design Build project will place overlay, replace bridge joint seals and/or joint seal assemblies, and correct drainage issues on Sacramento River Viaduct and West End Viaduct.US Route 50 from PM 2.5 in Yolo County through PM 0.6 in Sacramento County; Route I-5 from03/22/20161 (01/16/2014)Details CEM-3701 Report
2638Project ID: 2638
DEA: 050L6904
05-SLO-101-32.5 US-101 North of Reservoir Canyon Road07/01/20111 (03/16/2007)Details CEM-3701 Report
6871Project ID: 6871
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 0511NDP0554
05-SLO-101-56.7/57.9Construct new On-Ramp & widen and modify ramps & stripe Paso Robles On-Ramps (per Coop. Agreement 05-0238 on 1/19/2010 for EA 05-361503)Restripe SR-46 to provide WB traffic with dual left turn lanes from US 101 intersection to east edge of SalinasUS-101& SR-46E, El Paso de Robles11/11/2019NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
7804Project ID: 7804
Permit Numbers: 0312NMC0377
03-ED-50-0.6/1.35Reconstruct Westbound on and off-ramps, place signals, lights, and signsUS-50/El Dorado Hills Blvd Interchange, El Dorado Hills CDP04/27/20182 (01/29/2013)Details CEM-3701 Report
210790Project ID: 210790
DEA: 044H3604
EFIS: 0413000212
COOP: 042956
04-SM-101-20.7/21.7Extend Utah Avenue to the west over US 101 to connect with San Mateo Avenue and improve the southbound on and off ramp accesses from and to the areaUtah Avenue to the west over US 101 & San Mateo Avenue 2 (09/05/2017)Details CEM-3701 Report