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Displaying 14381-14390 of 17875 results.
Project IDProject IdentifiersDIST-CO-RTE-PMWork DescriptionLocation DescriptionCaltrans Closeout DateMETS Service LevelActions
2189Project ID: 2189
DEA: 042L1004
EFIS: 0400000855
04-SOL-113-7.0/8.0Replace Flashing Beacons at Intersection of Hastings Road and Cook Lane along Route 113 near DixonRoute 113 near Dixon 1 (10/30/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report
1606Project ID: 1606
DEA: 040A3084
MINOR: 04A3087
04-SOL-113-7.0/8.0INSTALL TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT COOK & HASTINGRoute 113 Near Dixon in Solano County06/08/20201 (10/30/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report
6016Project ID: 6016
DEA: 11956625L
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 1110NMC0278
11-IMP-115-9.97/10.32enter upon State Highway right of way in Imperial County, City of Holtville, on Route 115, post mile L9.97 to L10.32, to construct curb & gutter and sidewalk, to modify drainage facilities, and to install a 12 inch water line and lighting facilities,ROUTE 115, HOLTVILLE07/12/2012NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
208958Project ID: 208958
Permit Numbers: 1112NMC0240 11126DP0637
11-IMP-115-9.22/9.39enter upon State Highway right of way in the County of Imperial, City of Holtville, on Route 115, post mile R9.22 to R9.39, to construct highway improvements, install a sewer line and relocate a manhole, as shown on the attached plans, in accordance withROUTE 115, HOLTVILLE08/01/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
211059Project ID: 211059
Permit Numbers: 1114NMC0692 11156DP0533 1115NRT0778 11156RT0779
11-IMP-115-9.13/9.29enter upon the State Highway right of way in Imperial County, City of Holtville, on Route 115, post mile 9.13 to 9.29, to improve pavement, curb & gutter, curb return, traffic signs and install a bus shelter along State Route (SR)-115, as shown on the attached plan, in accordance with the requiROUTE 115, HOLTVILLE08/07/20181 (01/25/2016)Details CEM-3701 Report
2183Project ID: 2183
DEA: 042L0104
EFIS: 0400000851
MINOR: 04A3763
04-SON-12-19.4Replace Traffic SignalsRoute 12 at PM 19.4 in Sonoma County06/08/20201 (10/30/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report
210405Project ID: 210405
Permit Numbers: 0414NMC1482 04156DP0331
04-SON-12-24.62/24.62Sonoma County Regional parks has a Ridge Trail project running through the County.Route 12, Santa Rosa01/21/20191 (04/13/2015)Details CEM-3701 Report
209804Project ID: 209804
Permit Numbers: 04126SN1893 04146DP0993 04146RW0608
04-SOL-12-5.1/7.5Modify the signals at the intersections of Marina Blvd/Hwy 12, Emperor Dr/Lawler Ranch Pkwy/Hwy 3, and Walters Rd/Lawler Ranch Pkwy/Hwy 12Route 12, Suisun09/14/20181 (08/07/2014)Details CEM-3701 Report
5474Project ID: 5474
MINOR: 09A0268
09-SBD-127-1.2/21.7Remove Existing delineators and install new delineatorsROUTE 12701/01/2007NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
213788Project ID: 213788
DEA: 120Q5204
EFIS: 1217000057
MINOR: 12A1741
12-ORA-12,133-8.29Remove seven electroliers, install high-mast lighting ,asphalt and optical speed bar and Install safety lighting & optical speed barRoute 13307/02/20241 (01/16/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report