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Displaying 14351-14360 of 17888 results.
Project IDProject IdentifiersDIST-CO-RTE-PMWork DescriptionLocation DescriptionCaltrans Closeout DateMETS Service LevelActions
3032Project ID: 3032
Permit Numbers: 06096SN0001
06-KER-58-48.113/48.113Set up, maintain & remove proper traffic control to facilitate construction work which includes, but not limited to, the followings:1) Widen the northerly pavement on Rosedale Highway to provide a right turn lane.2) Close the existing driveways aloRosedale Highway (SR58), Bakersfield04/27/20182 (12/05/2014)Details CEM-3701 Report
3037Project ID: 3037
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 0609NSN0084
06-KER-58-50/51Enter upon the State Highway Right-of-way on State Route 58 (SR-58) in Bakersfield between Post Mile 50 and 51 to set up, maintain, and remove temporary traffic control necessary in order to widen the roadway and to install traffic signals and lighting atRosedale Highway, Bakersfield06/11/20182 (11/25/2014)Details CEM-3701 Report
211907Project ID: 211907
DEA: 060F3604
EFIS: 0600000076
COOP: 061583
Permit Numbers: 0614AOP0912 0615ADP0141 0616AOP1000 0616ADP1001 0617ART0088
06-KER-58-50.6/51.7Enter upon the State Highway Right-of-way on State Route 58 (SR 58) from Mohawk Street (PM 50.6) to State Route 99 (PM 51.7) in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, to set up, maintain, and remove temporary traffic control necessary to construct, portion within State Right-of-way, the City?s RosedRosedale Hwy, Bakersfield04/27/20182 (04/14/2014)Details CEM-3701 Report
7134Project ID: 7134
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 0611NSN0977
06-KER-58-50/51Enter upon the State Highway Right-of-way on State Route 58 (SR-58) in Bakersfield between Post Mile 50 and 51 to set up, maintain, and remove temporary traffic control necessary in order to widen the roadway and to install traffic signals and lighting atRosedale, Bakersfield07/30/20182 (12/05/2014)Details CEM-3701 Report
209614Project ID: 209614
Permit Numbers: 0713NMC0217 07146DP1915
07-LA-164-5.3/5.3modifying the intersection of Route 164 (Rosemead Boulevard) at Telstar Avenue; improvements to include full signalization into a standard T-intersection with traffic signal system upgrades (equipment and operations); roadway widening and median modifications (curb and gutter, pavement sections, roRosemead Blvd, El Monte07/31/20181 (06/04/2014)Details CEM-3701 Report
3680Project ID: 3680
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 0709NMC1374
07-LA-164-5.3/5.4Modifying the intersection of Route 164 (Rosemead Boulevard) at Telstar Avenue, improvements to include full signalization into standard T-intersection with traffic signal system upgrades (equipment and operations), roadway widening, roadway paving, pavementRosemead Boulevard, El Monte07/31/20181 (03/19/2013)Details CEM-3701 Report
211925Project ID: 211925
Permit Numbers: 08166MC0244
08--71-1.9/1.9Enter onto State Route 71(SR-71)right of way at Grand Avenue and Roswell Avenue, in the City of Chino, to do street improvement including cold plane and overlay asphalt concrete paving, new curb return, ADA ramp, curb and gutter, 5 feet wide sidewalk, a southbound right turn lane on Roswell Avenue,Roswell Avenue and SR-71 northbound ramps, Chino09/04/20181 (12/09/2016)Details CEM-3701 Report
7090Project ID: 7090
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 0811NMC0683
08-SBD-62-24.173/24.173Enter onto SR-62 right-of-way at Rotary Way in the Joshua Tree area of San Bernardino County to construct street improvements and traffic signal as per plans date stamped December 22, 2011, by the Department of Transportation District 8 Encroachment PermitRotary Way, Joshua Tree07/31/20181 (01/04/2013)Details CEM-3701 Report
7644Project ID: 7644
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 08126DP0566
08-SBD-62-24.173/24.173Enter onto SR-62 right-of-way at Rotary Way in the Joshua Tree area of San Bernardino County to construct street improvements and traffic signal as per Parent Permit No. 08-11-N-MC-0683 issued to the County of San Bernardino on January 25, 2012, and trafficRotary Way, Joshua Tree01/24/20132 (01/24/2013)Details CEM-3701 Report
210001Project ID: 210001
Permit Numbers: 0714NSN1319
07-LA-1-29.084/29.084Install fully protected left-turn traffic signals.Route 1 (Lincoln Boulevard), Los Angeles07/31/20181 (12/02/2014)Details CEM-3701 Report