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Displaying 14251-14260 of 17715 results.
Project IDProject IdentifiersDIST-CO-RTE-PMWork DescriptionLocation DescriptionCaltrans Closeout DateMETS Service LevelActions
6016Project ID: 6016
DEA: 11956625L
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 1110NMC0278
11-IMP-115-9.97/10.32enter upon State Highway right of way in Imperial County, City of Holtville, on Route 115, post mile L9.97 to L10.32, to construct curb & gutter and sidewalk, to modify drainage facilities, and to install a 12 inch water line and lighting facilities,ROUTE 115, HOLTVILLE07/12/2012NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
208958Project ID: 208958
Permit Numbers: 1112NMC0240 11126DP0637
11-IMP-115-9.22/9.39enter upon State Highway right of way in the County of Imperial, City of Holtville, on Route 115, post mile R9.22 to R9.39, to construct highway improvements, install a sewer line and relocate a manhole, as shown on the attached plans, in accordance withROUTE 115, HOLTVILLE08/01/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
211059Project ID: 211059
Permit Numbers: 1114NMC0692 11156DP0533 1115NRT0778 11156RT0779
11-IMP-115-9.13/9.29enter upon the State Highway right of way in Imperial County, City of Holtville, on Route 115, post mile 9.13 to 9.29, to improve pavement, curb & gutter, curb return, traffic signs and install a bus shelter along State Route (SR)-115, as shown on the attached plan, in accordance with the requiROUTE 115, HOLTVILLE08/07/20181 (01/25/2016)Details CEM-3701 Report
2183Project ID: 2183
DEA: 042L0104
EFIS: 0400000851
MINOR: 04A3763
04-SON-12-19.4Replace Traffic SignalsRoute 12 at PM 19.4 in Sonoma County06/08/20201 (10/30/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report
210405Project ID: 210405
Permit Numbers: 0414NMC1482 04156DP0331
04-SON-12-24.62/24.62Sonoma County Regional parks has a Ridge Trail project running through the County.Route 12, Santa Rosa01/21/20191 (04/13/2015)Details CEM-3701 Report
209804Project ID: 209804
Permit Numbers: 04126SN1893 04146DP0993 04146RW0608
04-SOL-12-5.1/7.5Modify the signals at the intersections of Marina Blvd/Hwy 12, Emperor Dr/Lawler Ranch Pkwy/Hwy 3, and Walters Rd/Lawler Ranch Pkwy/Hwy 12Route 12, Suisun09/14/20181 (08/07/2014)Details CEM-3701 Report
5474Project ID: 5474
MINOR: 09A0268
09-SBD-127-1.2/21.7Remove Existing delineators and install new delineatorsROUTE 12701/01/2007NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
213788Project ID: 213788
DEA: 120Q5204
EFIS: 1217000057
MINOR: 12A1741
12-ORA-12,133-8.29Remove seven electroliers, install high-mast lighting ,asphalt and optical speed bar and Install safety lighting & optical speed barRoute 13307/02/20241 (01/16/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report
211683Project ID: 211683
Permit Numbers: 1214NRM0700
12--133-0.898Driveway entrance and sidewalk improvements at Laguna Canyon Rd. & Milligan Dr. in support of a bridge replacement over the Laguna Canyon Channel. All performed work shall be in accordance with current Caltrans Standard Specs and Plans 2010.Route 133 NB on right hand side, Milligan Dr. bridge replacement at PM 0.898.09/08/20162 (08/23/2016)Details CEM-3701 Report
5383Project ID: 5383
DEA: 09331104
MINOR: 09A0278
09-KER-14-53.4/57.0COLD PLANE 100MMRoute 1401/01/2007NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report