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Displaying 17261-17270 of 17893 results.
Project IDProject IdentifiersDIST-CO-RTE-PMWork DescriptionLocation DescriptionCaltrans Closeout DateMETS Service LevelActions
6998Project ID: 6998
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 04116DP1351
04-ALA-580-16.7Roadway widening along the south side of the 580/Fallon Rd/El Charro Rd.south side of the 580/Fallon Rd/El Charro Rd.09/14/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
7012Project ID: 7012
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 1011NMC0204
10-SJ-5-16.5/16.5Widen, stripe, remove and relocate existing sidewalk, retaining curb, gutter, modify traffic signal and lighting, as shown on the plans, within Interstate 5 right of way at Louise Avenue in the City of Lathrop in San Joaquin County. This Permit also allowSR 5, Lathrop10/09/20182 (08/07/2014)Details CEM-3701 Report
7013Project ID: 7013
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 0410NMC1368
04-CC-4-The project provides for the re-engineering of Bailey Road to provide wider sidewalks and Class II bicycle facilities along both sides of bailey Road.Bailey Road in Pittsburg, CA08/21/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
7017Project ID: 7017
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 1007NSN1000 1012NRW0118 1011NDP0652 10116DP0628
10-MER-59-16.01/16.01Widen intersection, stripe, place sidewalk, curb and gutter, and install new traffic signal, as shown on the plans, within State Highway 59 right of way at Cooper Avenue in the City of Merced. This Permit also allows to conduct Traffic Control, place, maiHighway 59, Merced10/09/20182 (08/07/2014)Details CEM-3701 Report
7018Project ID: 7018
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 1210NMC0509
12-ORA-57-17.3/17.3Perform median modification on Chapman Avenue from easterly to westerly of State boundary of SR-57. Median on easterly R/W is excluded from project. Modify traffic signal at NB and SB SR-57/Chapman Avenue On/Off-Ramps; replace inductive loops on EB ChapmaSR-57 FREEWAY, FULLERTON09/08/2016NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
7020Project ID: 7020
DEA: 07273504
EFIS: 0700005113
07-LA-47,110,710-var  08/19/20212 (06/01/2012)Details CEM-3701 Report
7021Project ID: 7021
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 0811NDP1045
08-SBD-215-13.8/14Enter onto Interstate 215 right-of-way west of Kendall Drive in the City of San Bernardino to construct Park & Ride Facility within State right-of-way as per plans and specifications date stamped June 28, 2011, per parent permit 08-11-N-MC-0449, and pKendall Drive, San Bernardino09/30/20122 (09/30/2012)Details CEM-3701 Report
7023Project ID: 7023
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 07116DP2365
07-LA-210-11.131/11.131DP to Permit # 711-NSN-1193Foothill Freeway Rte 210 WB Ramps, Los Angeles07/31/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
7024Project ID: 7024
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 07116DP2366
07-LA-210-11.084/11.084DP to Permit #711-NSN-1194Foothill Freeway Rte 210 EB Ramps, Los Angeles07/31/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
7025Project ID: 7025
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 07116DP2370
07-LA-210-4.95/4.95DP to Permit #711-NSN-1197Foothill Freeway Rte 210 WB Ramps, Los Angeles07/31/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report