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Displaying 16291-16300 of 17908 results.
Project IDProject IdentifiersDIST-CO-RTE-PMWork DescriptionLocation DescriptionCaltrans Closeout DateMETS Service LevelActions
1767Project ID: 1767
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 0410NMC1262
04-SM-82-24.6/24.9The project includes the widening and architectural treatment of the east sidewalk.Route 82- Mission Street, Daly City09/14/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
1792Project ID: 1792
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 0411NDP0491
04-SM-82-24.6/24.9The project includes the widening and architectural treatment of the east sidewalk.Route 82- Mission Street, Daly City08/20/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
7323Project ID: 7323
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 04126DP0253
04-SON-12-The project includes traffic and pedestrian modifications and improvements at the intersection of SR12 and the Maxwell Village Shopping Center entrance. The project will include new ADA curb ramps, crosswalk, pedestrian signals, push buttons, traffic loop 09/14/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
215567Project ID: 215567
DEA: 081L3503
EFIS: 0820000060
COOP: 081712
08-SBD-83-2.4/2.9The project is a Caltrans widening along SR-83 in the City of Chino. The project proposes to construct right-turn lanes, a right in/right-out driveway, and a full access driveway leading to the proposed Euclid Commerce Center.The project limits are along SR-83 between Kimball Avenue and Bickmore Avenue between PM 2.4 and PM 2.9 in the City of Chino. 2 (03/05/2021)Details CEM-3701 Report
209987Project ID: 209987
Permit Numbers: 0413NMC1846
04-ALA-123-0.1/0.4The project is funded by a Safe routes to Transit grant to improve mobility for bicyclists and pedestrians at the intersections of Pablo Ave/40th Street and San Pablo Ave./Adeline Street/W. Macarthur Blvd.San Pablo Ave, Emeryville10/22/20191 (10/08/2014)Details CEM-3701 Report
209231Project ID: 209231
Permit Numbers: 04136DP2246 04126MC1991
04-NAP-121-6.25/6.4The project is proposing a new commercial center at corner of Kansas Ave and Soscol Ave (State Route 121)within the City of Napa.300 Soscol Ave, Napa09/14/20181 (12/10/2013)Details CEM-3701 Report
993657Project ID: 993657
Permit Numbers: 04206MC2436 04216RW0994 04216RT1806 04216RW3013 04216RT3202 04226RT0391 04216RW1010 04216RW3271 04226RT0861
04---7.52The project proposed to replace existing curb,gutter,and sidewalk along the frontage of the project on El Camino Real.1300 El Camino Real, Belmont 1 (03/23/2022)Details CEM-3701 Report
213506Project ID: 213506
Permit Numbers: 0417NOP2721
04-SM-82-20.9/21.6The project proposes sidewalk, crosswalk, median, landscaping and pedestrian signal upgrades along El Camino Real from 250' south of Kaiser Way to McLellan Drive in the City of South San Francisco. The median will be re-landscaped with trees along Route 82, widened to a minimum of 6' to provRoute 82, South San Francisco11/30/00-11 (11/08/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report
212383Project ID: 212383
Permit Numbers: 0414NMC0120 04166RT0398 0417NRT0222 04176DP0198 0417NRD0267 04166RT0398
04-SCL-9-8.8/10.3The project proposes to construct an ADA compliant asphalt concrete pedestrian path at locations along HWY 9 to enhance pedestrian travel and safety.HWY 9, Saratoga02/03/20201 (05/09/2017)Details CEM-3701 Report
213954Project ID: 213954
DEA: 044K0804
EFIS: 0417000257
Permit Numbers: 0418NOP2083
04---26The project proposes to improve the intersections of Marsh Road (SR-84)at Constitution drive and Marsh Rd. (SR-84)at Bayfront Expressway (SR-84).Marsh Road, Menlo Park04/02/20211 (03/29/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report