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Displaying 15921-15930 of 17549 results.
Project IDProject IdentifiersDIST-CO-RTE-PMWork DescriptionLocation DescriptionCaltrans Closeout DateMETS Service LevelActions
993616Project ID: 993616
DEA: 07357204
EFIS: 0719000061
COOP: 075210
07-LA-210-20.7/21.7The City of La Canada Flintridge, in partnership with Caltrans, is preparing to construct three sound wall segments, S311, S335, and S336, along the Interstate 210 (I-210).The City of La Canada Flintridge, in partnership with Caltrans, is preparing to construct three sound wall segments, S311, S335, and S336, along the Interstate 210 (I-210). 2 (03/02/2022)Details CEM-3701 Report
211844Project ID: 211844
Permit Numbers: 04166DP0065 0415NSN2509
04--82-1.07/1.07The City of Menlo Park and Redflex Traffic System are applying for an encroachment permit for maintaining the ARLES which was installed under permit 0407-NSN0347 within the City of Menlo Park.El Camino/Ravenswood, El Camino/Valparaiso, and Bayfront/Willow Intersections, Menlo Park11/30/00-11 (02/03/2020)Details CEM-3701 Report
214262Project ID: 214262
Permit Numbers: 0419NMC0761 0419NRT1587
04---10.8The City of Milpitas proposes to rehalabilitate three (3) road segments.McCarthy Blvd, Hillview Dr and Jacklin Rd, Milpitas 2 (08/19/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report
1776Project ID: 1776
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 0410NSN1620
04-CC-680-2.885/4.182The City of San Ramon is proposing to install video detection systems at four (4)signalized intersections on Crow Canyon Road and Bollinger Canyon Road at I-680 Ramp intersections.Crow Canyon Road and Bollinger Canyon Road, San Ramon08/20/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
1766Project ID: 1766
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 0410NMC0852
04-SOL-80-25.77/26.1The City of Vacaville is performing road widening work along Davis Street near Bella Vista Road.Davis Street Vacaville, Vacaville09/14/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
1789Project ID: 1789
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 04116DP1315
04-SOL-80-25.77/26.1The City of Vacaville is performing road widening work along Davis Street near Bella Vista Road.Davis Street, Vacaville09/14/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
7299Project ID: 7299
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 0411NRW1176
04-SOL-80-25.77/26.1The City of Vacaville is performing road widening work along Davis Street near Bella Vista Road.Davis Street Vacaville, Vacaville08/21/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
215124Project ID: 215124
Permit Numbers: 0419NMC1857 04206DP1617 0420NRT1325
04---2.48The City of Vallejo will install high visibilty yellow crosswalks,CALTRANS DIB 82-06 compliant curb ramps,reconstruct ADA compliant driveways, modify signal and lighting, install loop detectors and pedestrian push button assemblies,install traffic bulb-outs surface utility adjustments, install storSonoma Boulevard, Vallejo 2 (08/21/2020)Details CEM-3701 Report
210689Project ID: 210689
DEA: 041J5604
EFIS: 0413000206
COOP: 042595
04-SM-101-6.3/20.8The extension of HOV Lanes in both directionsOn U.S. 101 from Whipple Avenue to I-380 in San Mateo County 2 (05/12/2017)Details CEM-3701 Report
993414Project ID: 993414
DEA: 081H1604
EFIS: 0816000168
COOP: 081705
08-SBD-10-The I-10 Alabama Street Improvement Project includes widening Alabama Street in the northbound direction to accommodate a right turn pocket at the I-10 eastbound on-ramp  2 (11/17/2021)Details CEM-3701 Report