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Displaying 15751-15760 of 17746 results.
Project IDProject IdentifiersDIST-CO-RTE-PMWork DescriptionLocation DescriptionCaltrans Closeout DateMETS Service LevelActions
212756Project ID: 212756
DEA: 65A0617
---Type 15 FBS , ST-75 Bridge Rail, Type 85 Concrete Bridge Rail  NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
212757Project ID: 212757
DEA: 051F9604
MINOR: 05A1944
05-SB-1,246-19.5/20.5,8.5/9.6   1 (11/11/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report
212758Project ID: 212758
DEA: 032F8404
EFIS: 0313000303
MINOR: 03A2503
03-BUT-162-7.3/7.5  07/22/20211 (10/18/2017)Details CEM-3701 Report
212763Project ID: 212763
DEA: 010G1104
01---  10/30/20171 (04/17/2017)Details CEM-3701 Report
212770Project ID: 212770
DEA: 021H1504
EFIS: 0215000112
MINOR: 02A1639
02-SHA-5-12.15,13.95,16.15  09/28/20211 (10/04/2017)Details CEM-3701 Report
212793Project ID: 212793
DEA: 023H8804
02-TRI-299-9.5/10.5Line 84" culvert with 48" add two 48" overflow culverts, replace 24" culverts, install new head/cut-off wall, reinforce top 4' of Sub-grade under paved surface, replace HMA, and pressure grout voids in fill 12/22/20201 (01/08/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report
212779Project ID: 212779
DEA: 021H5804
EFIS: 0216000024
02-PLU-70-58.4/R78.4   1 (01/08/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report
212780Project ID: 212780
DEA: 031G1104
EFIS: 0318000044
03-SAC-5-22.5/23.6Perform pavement roughening and spall repair, joint seal replacement, methacrylate 08/03/20181 (10/09/2017)Details CEM-3701 Report
212781Project ID: 212781
DEA: 033H8604
EFIS: 0318000080
03-SAC,SAC-160-L7.9/L8.2Repair eroded embankment 01/08/20191 (07/23/2018)Details CEM-3701 Report
212796Project ID: 212796
DEA: 032H8604
03-SAC-160-L4.5/L9.4Remove and replace approximately 2' of roadway structural section and stabilize slope where severe damage is present 04/16/20211 (12/18/2017)Details CEM-3701 Report