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Displaying 15491-15500 of 17751 results.
Project IDProject IdentifiersDIST-CO-RTE-PMWork DescriptionLocation DescriptionCaltrans Closeout DateMETS Service LevelActions
994008Project ID: 994008
DEA: 101K8104
EFIS: 1019000104
10-AMA-26-1.50Culvert replmt & rdway repair 08/31/20221 (08/31/2022)Details CEM-3701 Report
994009Project ID: 994009
DEA: 010J6804
EFIS: 0119000077
01-HUM-101-65.40Slide repair 06/27/2022NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
994010Project ID: 994010
DEA: 043Q8804
EFIS: 0419000277
04-MRN-101-1.0/2.5Pavement surface treatment & modify drainage systems 05/22/20231 (08/23/2022)Details CEM-3701 Report
994011Project ID: 994011
DEA: 020J3404
EFIS: 0219000090
02-PLU-70-27.00Exc rdway, place geogrid & CTB, reconst rdway 06/23/20221 (06/23/2022)Details CEM-3701 Report
994012Project ID: 994012
DEA: 030J0304
EFIS: 0319000140
03-COL-20-10.0/26.0, 10.0-26.0Regrade/line ditches/shldrs, place RSP, erosion cont'l, shldr backing, & incidental work 06/27/2022NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
994013Project ID: 994013
DEA: 081K5404
EFIS: 0819000057
08-SBD-18-20/53.86Repair storm damage incl. rdway washout & pavmt, embankmt, guardrail, and culverts 08/16/20231 (08/14/2023)Details CEM-3701 Report
994014Project ID: 994014
DEA: 051K5704
EFIS: 0518000223
05-SB,SB-154-13.0/22.5, 17.36Clear debris from arch culvert inlets & channels, make repairs as needed to rdway facilities 09/19/20221 (06/17/2022)Details CEM-3701 Report
994015Project ID: 994015
DEA: 010J6204
EFIS: 0119000067
01-MEN-1-104.40Slide repair 06/27/2022NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
994016Project ID: 994016
DEA: 051K5904
EFIS: 0518000225
05-SB-101-R5.5/10.5Clear inlet & debris from channel, make repairs as needed to rdway facilities thru spring 2019 09/19/20221 (06/17/2022)Details CEM-3701 Report
994017Project ID: 994017
DEA: 071XL004
EFIS: 0719000176
07-LA-60-0.2/0.4Repair slopes, rem/repl slot drains, rebuild shoulder/barrier, repair culverts & modify DI 10/06/20221 (10/06/2022)Details CEM-3701 Report