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Displaying 14561-14570 of 17908 results.
Project IDProject IdentifiersDIST-CO-RTE-PMWork DescriptionLocation DescriptionCaltrans Closeout DateMETS Service LevelActions
6811Project ID: 6811
DEA: 120M0604
EFIS: 1200020289
12-ORA-74-14.1Build Solider Berm Earth Retaining WallRte 74 @ Ortega Hwy12/31/20111 (04/04/2011)Details CEM-3701 Report
210324Project ID: 210324
DEA: 030H3804
EFIS: 0315000153
03-PLA-80,080-41.80Culvert Replacement under ramp; installation of riser; cleaning existing pipe; repair and pave rampRte 80 at the eastbound off-ramp to the Gold run Safety Roadside Rest Area11/07/20161 (09/23/2016)Details CEM-3701 Report
6839Project ID: 6839
DEA: 042G2704
EFIS: 0400020749
MINOR: 04A3834
04-SOL-80-2.35Repair 24" culvert and abandoned capped drainage inletRte 80/780 interchange06/08/20201 (10/30/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report
214425Project ID: 214425
DEA: 051H9404
EFIS: 0517000022
MINOR: 05A2185
05-SCR-236-Boulder Creek Curb RampsRte 9 to Pine Street09/30/20191 (09/30/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report
4746Project ID: 4746
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 08086DP1215
08-RIV-91-12.902-13.187Install traffic signalsRte 91 @ Tyler Street12/10/20091 (12/10/2009)Details CEM-3701 Report
212413Project ID: 212413
DEA: 120N2704
EFIS: 1213000187
12-ORA-91-13.8REMODEL RTE 91 WB WEIGH STATIONRTE 91 PERALTA WB WEIGH STATION09/09/20211 (03/22/2018)Details CEM-3701 Report
819Project ID: 819
DEA: 030C7704
03-PLA-80-R106.4/110.3Overlay concrete roadway, improve drainage and rehab bridge deck.Rte. 8001/20/20101 (01/20/2010)Details CEM-3701 Report
209606Project ID: 209606
Permit Numbers: 0312NSN0282
03-YOL-113-1.1/1.11. EV, Bike, and Ped surface improvements with a bike circle2. relocation/replacement of path lighting within footprint3. traffic signal modification - limited to resetting the bike push button and det. loop on south leg and addition of EV preemption devicesRussell Blvd, Davis04/27/20181 (05/20/2014)Details CEM-3701 Report
214172Project ID: 214172
Permit Numbers: 0417NMC1910 04196DP0966
04-SM-82-9.35/10.07The Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (JPB), which operates the San Francisco Bay Area's Caltrain passenger rail intends to extend 28th Avenue and 31st Avenue west of El Camino Real (SR 82) in the same location as existing driveway access points...S. El Camino Real, San Mateo03/16/20211 (05/22/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report
993207Project ID: 993207
Permit Numbers: 04196SN2825 04206RT1409 04206RT2992 04216RT2271 04226RT0050
04---18.24Install two new traffic signals; one at the intersection of S. First Street and Chestnut Street and the other at the intersection of S. First Street and Valley Glen Drive; the S. First Street and Chestnut Street intersection include ADA ramp, crosswalk, drainage and asphalt updates on State HighwayS. First Street, Dixon10/14/20221 (10/22/2021)Details CEM-3701 Report