Project Details

This page displays current information for project DEA: 120H1004.

Project Information

Project IdentifiersProject ID: 208973
DEA: 120H1004
EFIS: 1200000180
COOP: 120670
Award Date11/07/2016
Closeout DateNot set
Work Description(Alternative Delivery) San Diego Freeway (I-405) Improvement Project SR-73 to I-605, Design Build Project, Administered by Orange County Transportation Authority, Caltrans METS to perform Source Inspection per RFP.
Location DescriptionOrange and Los Angeles Counties: 12-ORA-405 PM 9.3/24.2 / 07-LA-405 PM 0.0/1.2 12-ORA-22 PM R0.7/R3.8 / 12-ORA-22 PM R0.5/R0.7 12-ORA-73 PM R27.2/R27.8 / 12-ORA-605 PM 3.5/R1.6 07-LA-605 PM R0.0/R1.2
QA Service Level1 (Verified on 09/10/2015)

Caltrans Project Personnel

Personnel stored in Caltrans' project databases.

Email AddressFull NameRolePersonnel Source
halonso@HNTB.comHank Alonso (reports)Resident EngineerCaltrans RE DB
Alex.Angha@jacobs.comAlex Angha (reports)Structural RepresentativeCaltrans SR DB OlarteMETS REPCaltrans METS REP DB


Samples submitted for this project.

Displaying 361-370 of 402 results.
DIME Sample IDSample Taken DateSample Received DateSample TypeMaterial TypeLink
2019-05-29-3205/29/201907/11/2019Quality AssuranceSMTL TM5 - CouplersView
2019-05-08-1305/08/201905/09/2019Department AcceptanceSMTL TM5 - CouplersView
2019-04-30-704/30/201905/03/2019Quality AssuranceSMTL TM5 - CouplersView
2019-04-30-804/30/201905/03/2019Quality AssuranceSMTL TM5 - CouplersView
2019-05-01-305/01/201905/02/2019Quality AssuranceSMTL TM5 - Headed BarsView
2019-05-01-405/01/201905/02/2019Quality AssuranceSMTL TM5 - Welded HoopsView
2019-03-25-303/25/201903/25/2019AuthorizationSMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated DowelsView
2019-03-11-703/11/201903/13/2019Quality AssuranceSMTL TM5 - Headed BarsView
2019-03-11-603/11/201903/11/2019Quality ControlSMTL TM5 - Headed BarsView
2019-03-07-303/07/201903/08/2019Quality AssuranceSMTL TM1 - Elastomeric Bearing PadView

Job Mix Formula (JMF)

JMFs associated with this project.

JMF IDStatusSubmitted ByCreated ByDate CreatedLink
No results found.

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

EPDs material quantities submitted for this project.

Declaration NumberMaterial TypeVendorSubmitted byQuantity
No results found.

Project Summary Graphs

Samples Taken and Tests performed per Month

Number of Samples

Sample Types

Number of Tests

Test Types

Material Types

Test Methods