Project Details

This page displays current information for project DEA: 06484604.

Project Information

Project IdentifiersProject ID: 214261
DEA: 06484604
EFIS: 0600000484
COOP: 061726
Award DateNot set
Closeout DateNot set
Work DescriptionThe bridge work includes construction of ten (10) new bridges as part of the future SR-58 Centennial Corridor. This work includes constructing one (1) Viaduct, four (4) Undercrossings, three (3) Overcrossings, and two (2) Connector Overcrossings. In addit
Location Descriptionn Kern County in Bakersfield on Route 58 from 0.1 miles west of Mohawk St to Cottonwood Rd and on Route 99 from 0.8 miles south of Route 58 to 0.3 Miles north of Route 58
QA Service Level2 (Verified on 08/05/2019)

Caltrans Project Personnel

Personnel stored in Caltrans' project databases.

Email AddressFull NameRolePersonnel Source LandasResident EngineerCaltrans RE DB
arturo.infante@va-incorp.comArt Infante (Also SMR)Oversight Resident EngineerCaltrans REO DB
husam.mohdankir@aecom.comHusam mohdankirOversight Structural RepresentativeCaltrans SRO DB OlarteMETS REPCaltrans METS REP DB


Samples submitted for this project.

Displaying 1-10 of 27 results.
DIME Sample IDSample Taken DateSample Received DateSample TypeMaterial TypeLink
2023-12-04-812/04/202312/04/2023Department AcceptanceRoadway/Bridge SurfaceView
2023-12-04-912/04/202312/04/2023Department AcceptanceRoadway/Bridge SurfaceView
2023-12-04-1012/04/202312/04/2023Department AcceptanceRoadway/Bridge SurfaceView
2023-12-04-1112/04/202312/04/2023Department AcceptanceRoadway/Bridge SurfaceView
2023-12-04-1212/04/202312/04/2023Department AcceptanceRoadway/Bridge SurfaceView
2023-12-04-1312/04/202312/04/2023Department AcceptanceRoadway/Bridge SurfaceView
2023-12-04-1412/04/202312/04/2023Department AcceptanceRoadway/Bridge SurfaceView
2023-12-04-1512/04/202312/04/2023Department AcceptanceRoadway/Bridge SurfaceView
2023-11-14-4311/14/202311/14/2023Department AcceptanceRoadway/Bridge SurfaceView
2023-11-13-4811/13/202311/13/2023Department AcceptanceRoadway/Bridge SurfaceView

Job Mix Formula (JMF)

JMFs associated with this project.

JMF IDStatusSubmitted ByCreated ByDate CreatedLink
No results found.

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

EPDs material quantities submitted for this project.

Declaration NumberMaterial TypeVendorSubmitted byQuantity
No results found.

Project Summary Graphs

Samples Taken and Tests performed per Month

Number of Samples

Sample Types

Number of Tests

Test Types

Material Types

Test Methods