Project Details

This page displays current information for project DEA: 072332E4.

Project Information

Project IdentifiersProject ID: 209698
DEA: 072332E4
EFIS: 0700000391
COOP: 0705187
Award Date07/01/2021
Closeout DateNot set
Work DescriptionAddition of 14 miles of HOV lanes in both directions would extend existing carpool lanes on the I- 5 in San Fernando Valley to Santa Clarita Valley
Location DescriptionThe I-5 North Capacity Enhancements Project focuses on improvements to the I-5 freeway from cities of Santa Clarita and Castaic, beginning at the SR-14 interchange to Parker Rd.
QA Service Level2 (Verified on 02/03/2021)

Caltrans Project Personnel

Personnel stored in Caltrans' project databases.

Email AddressFull NameRolePersonnel Source ShihResident EngineerCaltrans RE DB
McKenzieDa@metro.netDarrell McKenzieOversight Resident EngineerCaltrans REO DB TongStructural RepresentativeCaltrans SR DB
halishahi@trccompanies.comHoosahng AlishahiOversight Structural RepresentativeCaltrans SRO DB OlarteMETS REPCaltrans METS REP DB


Samples submitted for this project.

Displaying 1161-1170 of 1224 results.
DIME Sample IDSample Taken DateSample Received DateSample TypeMaterial TypeLink
2022-09-02-9109/02/202209/03/2022Quality ControlAggregateView
2022-09-01-9109/01/202209/02/2022Quality ControlAggregateView
2022-12-20-3712/20/202212/27/2022Quality AssuranceSMTL TM1 - Elastomeric Bearing PadView
2022-12-20-3612/20/202212/27/2022Quality AssuranceSMTL TM1 - Elastomeric Bearing PadView
2022-09-29-5309/29/202209/30/2022Quality ControlConcreteView
2022-09-29-5209/29/202209/30/2022Quality ControlConcreteView
2022-09-30-6309/30/202210/01/2022Quality ControlConcreteView
2022-09-30-6209/30/202210/01/2022Quality ControlConcreteView
2022-09-30-6109/30/202210/01/2022Quality ControlConcreteView
2022-09-29-5109/29/202209/30/2022Quality ControlConcreteView

Job Mix Formula (JMF)

JMFs associated with this project.

JMF IDStatusSubmitted ByCreated ByDate CreatedLink
No results found.

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

EPDs material quantities submitted for this project.

Declaration NumberMaterial TypeVendorSubmitted byQuantity
No results found.

Project Summary Graphs

Samples Taken and Tests performed per Month

Jan 2025Feb 2025Mar 2025Apr 2025May 2025Jun 2025Jul 2025Aug 2025Sep 2025Oct 2025Nov 2025Dec 20250123456SamplesTests

Number of Samples

97.1%Con-Fab California, LLC (2%)CT D07 - Materials Field Laboratory, Unit 1953 (0.5%)CT D08 - Fontana Southern Regional Laboratory (0.2%)CT HQ - Sacramento Structural Materials Testing Laboratory (0.2%)Sequoia Consultants (97.1%)

Sample Types

99.1%Acceptance (0.2%)Department Acceptance (0.3%)Production Start-Up (0.2%)Quality Assurance (0.2%)Quality Control (99.1%)Verification (0.1%)

Number of Tests

94.9%Con-Fab California, LLC (4.2%)CT D07 - Materials Field Laboratory, Unit 1953 (0.4%)CT D08 - Fontana Southern Regional Laboratory (0.2%)CT HQ - Sacramento Chemistry Laboratory (0.1%)CT HQ - Sacramento Structural Materials Testing Laboratory (0.2%)Sequoia Consultants (94.9%)

Test Types

99.1%Acceptance (0.1%)Department Acceptance (0.3%)Quality Assurance (0.3%)Quality Control (99.1%)Verification (0.2%)

Material Types

30.6%68.9%Aggregate (30.6%)Asphalt Binder (0.1%)Concrete (68.9%)Hot Mix Asphalt (0.2%)SMTL TM1 - Elastomeric Bearing Pad (0.2%)

Test Methods

26.3%13.1%13%13%ASTM C 1064 (0.1%)CTM 202 (26.3%)CTM 217 (13.1%)CTM 521 (0.3%)AASHTO T 315 (0%)CTM 226 (13%)SMTL BILST (0.1%)CTM 227 (13%)ASTM C 231 (0.7%)ASTM C 138 (0.7%)