Summary for Test 2024-10-19-3-8

Test performed: AASHTO T304-11

Project Information

Project IdentifiersProject ID: 995482
DEA: 112T36U4
EFIS: 1122000243
Award Date10/20/2023
Closeout DateNot set
Work DescriptionI-5 NCC SEGMENT 4C
Location DescriptionI-5 in San Diego County at Various Locations from Lomas Santa Fe Drive Undercrossing to 0.2 Mile North of Oceanside Undercrossing
QA Service Level1 (Verified on 11/20/2023)

Sample Information

Sample Taken Date10/19/2024 Sample Unique Key3
Will the laboratory/organization for which you are a member perform testing on this material sample?Yes Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing10/21/2024
Sample typeQuality Assurance A brief description of the sampleRPSU
The quantity of what the sample constitutes10 bags From where was the sample collectedSupplier
First name of sampler or witnessed byBen Last name of sampler or witnessed bySmith
Title of sampler Telephone number of sampler6193804522
Laboratory sample identification0610-RPSU Linked DIME Sample ID2024-10-19-2
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility nameVulcan Caroll Canyon Transportation Laboratory (TL) Number
Inspector Lot Number from the Transportation Laboratory (TL) Form Structure unique identifier
Structure name

Material Information

Material TypeAggregate Source Identification (SMARA, name of Pit or Job Site)91-37-0035
The fabricator's/manufacturer's product name for the sample The fabricator/manufacturer designation for the sample
The plant number A detailed description of where the material sample was collectedPlant
Where the material sample would have been placed if not sampled Primary Aggregate Nominal Size3/4 inch
The concrete mix design number Lot number
Sublot number Aggregate Mix Number220817 CC

Test Details

DIME Sample ID: 2024-10-19-3
DIME Test ID: 2024-10-19-3-8
Testing Lab: CT D11 - District 11 Materials Laboratory
Test Method: AASHTO T304-11: Standard Method of Test for Uncompacted Void Content of Fine Aggregate (Fine of Crushed Particles)
Test Release Date: 2024-10-24

Test Results

What test method is performed?: Method A
Input Type: Measured
Tester's full name: Shawn Rivers
Date of test: 10/23/2024
Mass of measure: 189.6 grams
Bulk dry specific gravity: 2.538
Mass of sample and measure #1: 327.8 grams
Mass of sample and measure #2: 327.7 grams
Volume of cylinder: 100 mL
Mass of sample #1: 138.2 grams
Mass of sample #2: 138.1 grams
Uncompacted voids #1: 45.5 %
Uncompacted voids #2: 45.6 %
Average uncompacted voids: 45.5 %
General comments (publicly viewable) (Max 1000 characters):

Test was verified on 10/24/2024