Summary for Test 2023-03-30-63-1

Test performed: ASTM D2487-17

Project Information

Project IdentifiersProject ID: 993798
DEA: 09366801
EFIS: 0916000021
Award DateNot set
Closeout DateNot set
Work DescriptionMEADOW FARMS ADA
QA Service Level1 (Verified on 08/14/2023)

Sample Information

Sample Taken Date03/30/2023 Sample Unique Key63
Will the laboratory/organization for which you are a member perform testing on this material sample?Yes Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing03/30/2023
Sample typePreliminary A brief description of the sampleNative Soil Sample 2'
The quantity of what the sample constitutes1 Bag From where was the sample collectedJob Site
First name of sampler or witnessed byBrian Last name of sampler or witnessed byCook
Title of samplerTE Civil Telephone number of sampler
Laboratory sample identification2917 Linked DIME Sample ID
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility nameCaltrans Right of Way Transportation Laboratory (TL) Number
Inspector Lot Number from the Transportation Laboratory (TL) Form Structure unique identifier
Structure name

Material Information

Material TypeSoil The fabricator's/manufacturer's product name for the sampleMeadow Farms
The fabricator/manufacturer designation for the sample A detailed description of where the material sample was collectedHA-3 2 Foot Depth
Where the material sample would have been placed if not sampled

Test Details

DIME Sample ID: 2023-03-30-63
DIME Test ID: 2023-03-30-63-1
Testing Lab: CT D09 - Bishop Field Laboratory
Test Method: ASTM D2487-17: Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System)
Test Release Date: 2023-04-13

Test Results

Units for Particle Size: millimeters
Input Type: Calculated
Tester's full name: Derek Carrington
Date of test: 04/13/2023
Percentage of plus 3-in. (75-mm) material: 0 %
Maximum particle size: 4.75 millimeters
Fines classification: no data
Percent fines: 100 %
Percent sand: 100 %
Percent gravel: 0 %
Liquid limit: 23
Plasticity Index: 0
Is soil fine-grained or coarse-grained?: fine-grained
Fine-grained soil classification: inorganic silt
Inorganic clay classification: silty clay - CL-ML
Inorganic silt classification: silt - ML
Organic fine-grained soil classification: organic silt - OL
Any descriptors added to fine-grained soil classification?: "with sand"
Coarse-grained soil classification: sand
Particle-size diameter at 10% passing (D10): no data
Particle-size diameter at 30% passing (D30): no data
Particle-size diameter at 60% passing (D60): no data
Gravel classification: silty
Sand classification: silty sand - SM; silty
Any descriptors added to coarse-grained soil classification?: no data
Did field sample contain cobbles or boulders?: no data
Coarse-grained soil dual classification: no data
Descriptive information: no data
Coefficient of uniformity (Cu): no data
Coefficient of curvature (Cc): no data
General comments (publicly viewable) (Max 1000 characters):

Test was verified on 4/13/2023