Submitting Sample and Test Data using DIME

for American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) A370 version 20
Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products

How to create a sample record and test record for ASTM A370-20

A sample record contains information to identify the material sample such as the project identifier, material type, date and time of sampling, name of the person that collected the sample and location where the sample was collected. A test record contains results of the test or tests performed on a portion or all of the sample of the material that was collected. Prior to creating a test record in DIME, a sample record must be created and recorded in DIME. A sample record may be created without any test records associated with it and then test records added as needed.

Create a sample record online by completing the "Sample Record" Form

The sample record is the material/sample identification.

After signing in, look for the "New Sample" button or the "New Sample" link to get to the Sample Record form. Upon arrival at the Sample Record form, provide the project identifier, select "SMTL TM6 - Ductile Iron Cast Samples" for "Material Type", pick the "Sample Taken Date", and click the "Next" button to load the remainder of the "Sample Record" form. If the project does not exist within DIME then contact the METS Representative responsible for the area where the project is located. An example of a Sample Record form is shown below.

Click here to view step-by-step instructions

Sample Identification Information

Indicate whether or not your lab will be the one doing testing on this sample.
The date that the sample arrived at the testing facility.
Indicate the type of testing to be performed on this sample. Choose from the dropdown list.
The amount of material this sample represents. For example, four bags, 990 hoops, 90 CY, etc.
Description of the sampled material. For example, Type II cement, PCC core, epoxy, HMA Type A, Manufactured Sand, Natural Sand, etc.
The first name of the sampler or witness.
The last name of the sampler or witness.
The title of the person who took the sample or witnessed the sampling.
The phone number of the sampler or witness.
Indicate where the sample was taken from. For example, Distributor, Job Site, Manufacturer, etc.
The name of the manufacturer that produced this sample. For example, WR Meadows, Robertson's Rialto, Teichert Ready Mix Plant, etc.
The sample identifier used internally by the tesing laboratory.
If the sample is associated with another DIME sample, please provide the DIME sample ID. For example, 2019-11-12-2.
The printed number from the TL-0101 form if available.
The lot number from the TL-0101 form if available.
01Alameda 02Alpine 03Amador 04Butte
05Calaveras 06Colusa 07Contra Costa 08Del Norte
09El Dorado 10Fresno 11Glenn 12Humboldt
13Imperial 14Inyo 15Kern 16King
17Lake 18Lassen 19Los Angeles 20Madera
21Marin 22Mariposa 23Mendocino 24Merced
25Modoc 26Mono 27Monterey 28Napa
29Nevada 30Orange 31Placer 32Plumas
33Riverside 34Sacramento 35San Benito 36Santa Barbara
37San Diego 38San Francisco 39San Joaquin 40San Luis Obispo
41San Mateo 42San Bernardino 43Santa Clara 44Santa Cruz
45Shasta 46Sierra 47Siskiyou 48Solano
49Sonoma 50Stanislaus 51Sutter 52Tehama
53Trinity 54Tulare 55Tuolumne 56Ventura
57Yolo 58Yuba     

County Codes

The bridge number (including county code) or other structure identifier. For example, 06-0056, 19-0086, etc.
The name of the bridge or other structure. For example, LAKE BRITTON UP, ROUTE 174/80 SEPARATION, etc.

Submit test data using the online form method

Once a sample record has been created and saved in the DIME database the test data can be submitted. If not already on the sample detail page, click here for detailed instructions on how to search for an existing sample record. If you are already on the Sample Detail page, click on the "Submit New Test" link on the right hand side of the page to start the submission process. An example of a New Test form is shown below. The 3-step process is listed below:

  1. Select "ASTM A370-20: Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products (Tensile - Round Sample)" from the dropdown list, click "Next"
  2. Answer any preliminary questions the test method may have and click "Next"
  3. Fill in the online form with the test data in the appropriate areas.

Click here to view step-by-step instructions.