DIME Change Log

Notable changes, improvements, fixes and additions to DIME
  1. Added new DIME Resources page
  2. Improvements to process for assigning tests for ASTM C109
  3. Fixed small bugs in MI search on sample and test result search
  4. Improvements to CTM 524 and CTM 523 test cards (average of beams)
  5. Added ability to search by material type on the CEM-3701 test summary
  6. Added option to group by material type and test method on CEM-3701 report
  7. Allow ASTM C109 values to be populated on test card when submitting an assigned test
  8. Added CTM 552 test card
  9. Added CTM 216 to Aggregate material type
  10. Adjustments to CTM 216 test card
  11. Updated mapping for ASCP import tool for AASHTO T215 from v16 to v20
  12. Fixed ASTM C138 2017a test card
  13. Adjusted formulae for CTM 523 and CTM 524 test cards
  14. Fixed average calculation error on ASTM C109 test card
  15. Fixed issue with ASTM C231 2017a test card
  16. Added testing turn-around time to CEM-3701 report
  17. Added temperature field for AASHTO T315 test card
  18. Added sample age value to report for ASTM C109 test methods
  19. Updated DIME front page
  20. Updated colors and fonts system-wide
  21. Added test card for ASTM D5095
  22. Added test card for ASTM B499 v09r21 (Coating)
  23. Added test card for ASTM F606 v21 (Proof Load with Wedge)
  24. Added test card for ASTM F606 v21 (Proof Load)
  25. Added test card for ASTM F606 v21 (Tensile, Yield and Elongation)
  26. Added test card for ASTM A370 v20 (Tensile - Round Sample)
  27. Added test card for ASTM A370 v20 (Tensile - Flat Sample)
  28. Added test card for ASTM A370 v20 (Reduced Tensile)
  29. Added test card for ASME B1.2 v83r17 (Ring Gage)
  30. Added test card for ASME B1.2 v83r17 (Pitch Diameter)
  31. Added test card for ASME B1.2 v83r17 (Plug Gage)
  32. Added test card for ASTM F606 v21 (Hex Cap Screws)
  33. Added test card for ASTM A775 v19 (Holiday)
  34. Added test card for ASTM A775 v19 (Epoxy Coating)
  35. Added test card for ASTM A934 v19 (Epoxy-Coating)
  36. Added test card for ASTM A934 v19 (Holiday Bend)
  37. Added test card for ASTM A884 v19e20 (Holiday)
  38. Added test card for ASTM A970 v18 (Tensile)
  39. Added test card for ASTM A722 v18 (Tensile)
  40. Added test card for ASTM A615 v20 (Tensile)
  41. Added test card for ASTM A615 v20 (Galvanize)
  42. Added test card for ASTM A772 v00r16 (Galvanize)
  43. Added test card for CALTRANS StdSpec v18 (Cable Yield Indicator)
  44. Added test card for ASTM D2240 v15r21
  45. Added test card for ASTM D412 v16r21
  46. Added test card for ASTM D624 v00r20
  47. Added test card for ASTM D4014 v03r18
  48. Added test card for ASTM A931 v18 (Diameter Verification)
  49. Added test card for ASTM A931 v18 (Breaking Force)
  50. Added test card for ASTM D471 v16r21
  51. Added test card for ASTM D2628 v91r16
  52. Added test card for ASTM A416 v18
  53. Added test card for ASTM A416 v18 (Strand Diameter Check)
  54. Added test card for ASTM A882 v20
  55. Added test card for ASTM A882 v20 (Coating Adhesion)
  56. Added test card for ASTM E23 v18 (Charpy Impact)
  57. Added test card for ASTM E18 v20 (Hardness)
  58. Added test card for ASTM E415 v21
  59. Added test card for ASTM A884 v19e20 (Epoxy Coating Thickness)
  60. Added test card for ASTM A1064 v18 (Weld Shear)
  61. Added test card for ASTM A123 v17 (Coating Thickness)
  62. Fixed display issue with DIME organization selection when logging in
  63. Added newer versions of test methods for concrete compressive strength graph feature
  64. Increased query limit on CEM-3701
  1. Added link to TL-101 on Sample Confirmation page
  2. Added instructions for TL-101
  3. Removed DIMEXML menu items, references and links (no longer supported)
  4. Simplified interface for assigning tests
  5. Modified calculation formula for AASHTO T315-20
  6. Allow users to publish all tests for all submitted samples in the ASCP bulk upload feature
  7. Improvements to AASHTO T315-20 test card
  8. Fixed calculation on CT 217
  9. Fixed incorrect info on Sample and Test statistics graphs
  10. Small fixes to testing turn-around report
  11. Improvements to AASHTO T283-14 test card
  12. Fixed calculation formula for CTM 523 test card
  1. Minor fixes and improvements to the DIME sample and test result search
  2. Added Rapid Set material type to batch number association feature
  3. Added test card for AASHTO T315 Delta at 2.2 kpa
  4. Minor UI improvements for EPD input form
  5. Added material sub-categories in EPD system
  6. Fixes to calculations for CTM 524, CTM 518 and CTM 231
  7. Allow asphalt binder suppliers to upload Excel spreadsheets for the ASCP
  8. Added new superseded test page linked from sample detail page
  9. ImproveD UI for automatically publishing test results
  10. Restricted access to submitted EPD data to Caltrans personnel only
  11. Added new Partial Depth Reclamation material type
  12. Added capping information to concrete report
  13. Fixed minor calculation errors on CT 524, CT 231 and CT 518 test cards
  14. Improved superseded test functionality
  15. Allow access for authenticated users to view EPD data
  16. Allow collection of the tester signature on test card
  17. Adjustments to AASHTO t315
  18. Added test card for ASTM C566 v19
  19. Added test card for ASTM C117 v17
  20. Added test card for ASTM D2419 v14
  21. Added test card for ASTM C136 v19
  22. Added test card for ASTM D3203
  23. Added test card for ASTM D2172
  24. Added test card for AASHTO T265
  25. Added test card for AASHTO T331
  26. Added test card for ASTM C39 v21
  1. Fixed errors on EPD summary page
  2. Map data received from Bluehill Universal for ASTM C39 to version 17a instead of 10
  3. Added Multigrade question for for asphalt binder when creating a new sample record
  4. Fixed errors with aggregate source data report
  5. Fixed problem on the dashboard when looking up projects by project ID
  6. Improvements to layout of new sample input page
  7. Fixed error when saving test results for CT 301
  8. Updated account management instructions
  9. Added question for Aggregate Type in AASHTO T336 (CTE)
  10. Added test card for ASTM C39 v21
  11. Minor dashboard improvements
  12. Fixed validation when editing test results
  13. Fixed date validation on SMTL TM3 Fastener Assembly sheet
  14. Fixed error when logging in to the mobile site
  15. Removed project personnel section from sample edit page
  16. Removed link to "publish all" if not sample owner organization on sample detail page
  17. Updated rounding for AASHTO T59 section 7
  18. Added test card for ASTM D 7196 2018
  19. Added test card for AASHTO T245 2015r19
  20. Major changes to the DIME sample and test result search
  21. Allow user to export search results to an Excel sheet with tabs per material type or per test method
  22. Fixed miscalculation on CT 384 Report
  23. Added test card for AASHTO T315 v2020
  24. Minor updates to AASHTO R28, AASHTO T51 and AASHTO T316 test cards
  1. Remove extraneous input fields from digital TL-0101
  2. Show warning when submitting test results if date of test is after current date
  3. Improvements to sample report and default to sequential test report
  4. Fixed calculations on AASHTO T269 test card
  5. Improvements to asphalt binder and asphaltic emulsion data collection when creating a sample
  6. Fixed calculation on AASHTO T59 Section 6 test card
  7. Added test card for ASTM C143 version 20
  8. Fixed calculation on CTM 235 test card
  9. Updated and improved validation on password update page