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Displaying 326-350 of 387 results.
Test OrgTest PrefixTest NumberVersionTest NamePartDate AddedMaterial TypeSample Card
ASTMA88220Standard Specification for Filled Epoxy-Coated Seven-Wire Prestressing Steel Strand (Withdrawn 2019)Coating Adhesion12/10/2021SMTL TM4 - Prestressing Strand
ASTME2318Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic MaterialsCharpy Impact12/10/2021SMTL TM6 - Steel Check Sample Plate
ASTME1820Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic MaterialsHardness12/10/2021SMTL TM6 - Steel Check Sample Plate
SMTL TM3 - Fastener Assembly
ASTME41521Standard Test Method for Analysis of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry12/10/2021SMTL TM6 - Steel Check Sample Plate
ASTMA88419e20Standard Specification for Epoxy-Coated Steel Wire and Welded Wire ReinforcementEpoxy Coating Thickness12/10/2021SMTL TM8 - Welded Wire Mesh
SMTL TM5 - Couplers
SMTL TM5 - Headed Bars
SMTL TM5 - Threaded Bar
SMTL TM5 - Welded Hoops
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Dowels
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Rebar
ASTMA106418Standard Specification for Carbon-Steel Wire and Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain and Deformed, for ConcreteWeld Shear12/10/2021SMTL TM8 - Welded Wire Mesh
ASTMA12317Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel ProductsCoating Thickness12/10/2021SMTL TM8 - Welded Wire Mesh
ASTMD822519Standard Test Method For Determination Of Cracking Tolerance Index Of Asphalt Mixture Using The Indirect Tensile Cracking Test At Intermediate Temperature2/23/2022Hot Mix Asphalt
CTM385July 2022Method of Test for Crumb Rubber ModifierCRM8/4/2022Crumb Rubber Modifier
AASHTOT30122Standard Method of Test for Elastic Recovery Test of Asphalt Materials by Means of a Ductilometer8/23/2022Asphalt Binder
Asphaltic Emulsion
AASHTOT31322Standard Method of Test for Determining the Flexural Creep Stiffness of Asphalt Binder Using the Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) 8/23/2022Asphalt Binder
Asphaltic Emulsion
AASHTOT5122Standard Method of Test for Ductility of Asphalt MaterialsAsphalt Binder8/24/2022Asphalt Binder
AASHTOT31522Standard Method of Test for Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)Dynamic Shear8/24/2022Asphalt Binder
AASHTOT5122Standard Method of Test for Ductility of Asphalt MaterialsAsphaltic Emulsion8/24/2022Asphaltic Emulsion
AASHTOT5922Standard Method of Test for Emulsified AsphaltsResidue and Oil Distillate (Sec. 6)8/25/2022Asphaltic Emulsion
AASHTOT5922Standard Method of Test for Emulsified AsphaltsViscosity (Saybolt Furol) (Sec. 9)8/25/2022Asphaltic Emulsion
AASHTOT5922Standard Method of Test for Emulsified AsphaltsSieve Test (Sec. 13)8/25/2022Asphaltic Emulsion
AASHTOT5922Standard Method of Test for Emulsified AsphaltsEmulsified Asphalt Residue Evap. (Sec. 7)8/25/2022Asphaltic Emulsion
AASHTOT5922Standard Method of Test for Emulsified AsphaltsParticle Charge Cationic Emulsified (Sec. 8)8/25/2022Asphaltic Emulsion
AASHTOT5922Standard Method of Test for Emulsified AsphaltsDemulsibility (Sec. 10)8/25/2022Asphaltic Emulsion
AASHTOT5922Standard Method of Test for Emulsified AsphaltsCement Mixing (Sec. 12)8/25/2022Asphaltic Emulsion
AASHTOT5922Standard Method of Test for Emulsified AsphaltsStorage Stability of Emulsified (Sec. 18)8/25/2022Asphaltic Emulsion
AASHTOT20922Standard Method of Test for Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity (Gmm) and Density of Asphalt MixturesMaximum Specific Gravity2/21/2023Aggregate
Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
Hot Mix Asphalt
Partial Depth Recycling
ASTMD836022Standard Test Method for Determination of Rutting Tolerance Index of Asphalt Mixture Using the Ideal Rutting TestRutting Tolerance4/3/2023Hot Mix Asphalt
AASHTOT22822Standard Method of Test for Specific Gravity of Semi-Solid Asphalt MaterialsSpecific Gravity4/7/2023Asphalt Binder