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Displaying 226-250 of 387 results.
Test OrgTest PrefixTest NumberVersionTest NamePartDate AddedMaterial TypeSample Card
AASHTOT20119Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalt BinderViscosity4/1/2020Asphaltic Emulsion
AASHTOT20219Viscosity of Asphalt by Vacuum Capillary ViscometerViscosity4/2/2020Asphaltic Emulsion
ASTMA88419e20Standard Specification for Epoxy-Coated Steel Wire and Welded Wire ReinforcementHoliday12/10/2021SMTL TM5 - Couplers
SMTL TM5 - Welded Hoops
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Dowels
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Rebar
SMTL TM5 - Threaded Bar
ASTMA88419e20Standard Specification for Epoxy-Coated Steel Wire and Welded Wire ReinforcementEpoxy Coating Thickness12/10/2021SMTL TM8 - Welded Wire Mesh
SMTL TM5 - Couplers
SMTL TM5 - Headed Bars
SMTL TM5 - Threaded Bar
SMTL TM5 - Welded Hoops
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Dowels
SMTL TM7 - Epoxy Coated Rebar
ASTMC14320Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete 3/31/2020Concrete
AASHTOT31520Standard Method of Test for Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)Dynamic Shear6/10/2021Asphalt Binder
ASTMA37020Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel ProductsTensile - Round Sample12/10/2021SMTL TM6 - Ductile Iron Cast Samples
SMTL TM6 - Steel Check Sample Plate
SMTL TM3 - Fastener Assembly
ASTMA37020Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel ProductsTensile - Flat Sample12/10/2021SMTL TM6 - Ductile Iron Cast Samples
SMTL TM6 - Steel Check Sample Plate
ASTMA37020Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel ProductsReduced Tensile12/10/2021SMTL TM3 - Fastener Assembly
ASTMA61520Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete ReinforcementTensile12/10/2021SMTL TM5 - Threaded Bar
ASTMA61520Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete ReinforcementGalvanize12/10/2021SMTL TM5 - Threaded Bar
ASTMA88220Standard Specification for Filled Epoxy-Coated Seven-Wire Prestressing Steel Strand (Withdrawn 2019)12/10/2021SMTL TM4 - Prestressing Strand
ASTMA88220Standard Specification for Filled Epoxy-Coated Seven-Wire Prestressing Steel Strand (Withdrawn 2019)Coating Adhesion12/10/2021SMTL TM4 - Prestressing Strand
ASTME1820Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic MaterialsHardness12/10/2021SMTL TM6 - Steel Check Sample Plate
SMTL TM3 - Fastener Assembly
ASTME31320Standard Practice for Calculating Yellowness and Whiteness Indices from Instrumentally Measured Color Coordinates 5/28/2024Paint
CTM53420Method of Test for Water Retention Efficiency of Liquid Membrane-Forming Concrete Curing Compounds 5/29/2024Curing Compound
ASTMD520Standard Test Method for Penetration of Bituminous Materials 11/5/2024Asphalt Binder
ASTMC3921Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens 5/5/2021Concrete
Concrete Core
ASTMF60621Standard Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, Direct Tension Indicators, and RivetsProof Load with Wedge12/9/2021SMTL TM3 - Fastener Assembly
ASTMF60621Standard Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, Direct Tension Indicators, and RivetsProof Load12/9/2021SMTL TM3 - Fastener Assembly
ASTMF60621Standard Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, Direct Tension Indicators, and RivetsTensile, Yield and Elongation12/10/2021SMTL TM3 - Fastener Assembly
ASTMF60621Standard Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, Direct Tension Indicators, and RivetsHex Cap Screws12/10/2021SMTL TM3 - Fastener Assembly
ASTME41521Standard Test Method for Analysis of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry12/10/2021SMTL TM6 - Steel Check Sample Plate
ASTMC10921Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or [50-mm] Cube Specimens) 4/7/2023Cementitious
ASTMC64221Standard Test Method for Density, Absorption, and Voids in Hardened Concrete 9/11/2023Concrete
Concrete Core