Note: Fields with no data or with a value of "Unknown" will not be displayed on the print out.
Project ID: 209698 DEA: 072332E4 EFIS: 0700000391 COOP: 0705187
QA Service Level: 2
DIST-CO-RTE-PM: 07-LA-I-5-45.4/54
Work Description: Addition of 14 miles of HOV lanes in both directions would extend existing carpool lanes on the I- 5 in San Fernando Valley to Santa Clarita Valley
Location Description: The I-5 North Capacity Enhancements Project focuses on improvements to the I-5 freeway from cities of Santa Clarita and Castaic, beginning at the SR-14 interchange to Parker Rd.
Contractor Name: Not yet Awarded
Contractor Address: Unknown
Resident Engineer: James Shih Structure Rep.: Chanh Tong
DIME Sample ID: 2022-12-14-29
TL Number from the TL Form:
Sample Submitted By Organization: Sequoia Consultants
Sample Organization Contact: (714) 974-6316
Type of Sample: Quality Control
Type of Material: Concrete
Sample Taken Date: 12/14/2022
Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing: 12/15/2022
The quantity of what the sample constitutes: 2 cylinders
A brief description of the sample: Structural Concrete
From where was the sample collected: Job Site
Laboratory sample identification:
Structure unique identifier:
Structure name:
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility name: National Ready Mix
The concrete mix design number: S75E845T1
The truck number from where the sample was collected:
The batch plant ticket number from where the sample was collected: 273662
Concrete batch plant:
The fabricator/manufacturer designation for the sample:
A detailed description of where the material sample was collected: Soundwall 3011, station 31plus07
Where the material sample would have been placed if not sampled:
From Lot No.:
Bag Lot No.:
DIME Test ID: 2022-12-14-29-1
Test Method: CTM 521-June 2020: Method of Test for Compressive Strength of Molded Concrete Cylinders
Verified Date: 03/29/2023
Date Tested: 01/11/2023
Submitted By Organization: Sequoia Consultants
Organization Address: 361 West Grove Avenue,
Organization City: Orange
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 92865
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: 1 (714) 974-6316
General Comments for this Test:
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Unit system used?
US Units
Number of specimens
Test performed
With no density determined
Capped in accordance with?
ASTM C617 - Sulfur Mortar Cap
Average diameter of cylinder 1
6.00 in
Average diameter of cylinder 2
6.00 in
Cross sectional area of cylinder 1
28.27 in^2
Cross sectional area of cylinder 2
28.27 in^2
Compressive strength (to nearest 10 psi)
6030 psi
Maximum load on cylinder 1
171230 lb
Maximum load on cylinder 2
169620 lb
Type of fracture pattern of cylinder 1
Type of fracture pattern of cylinder 2
Comment on any defect in either specimen or caps (Max 250 Characters)
no data
Correction factor for cylinder 1
Correction factor for cylinder 2
Age of specimen
28 days
Age of specimen in hours
no data0 hours