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Sample Record for 2022-08-06-17

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Project Information

Project ID: 214680 DEA: 030F2854 EFIS: 0319000205 QA Service Level: 1
DIST-CO-RTE-PM: 03-SAC-99-7.1/9.4
Work Description: Construct the temporary bridge superstructures, adjacent paving and pave temporary alignment
Location Description:
Contractor Address: 4001 Bradshaw Road, Sacramento, CA 95827
Resident Engineer: Masoud Saed Structure Rep.: Chau Ha

Sample Information

DIME Sample ID: 2022-08-06-17
TL Number from the TL Form:
Sample Submitted By Organization: CT HQ - Sacramento Hot Mix Asphalt Laboratory
Sample Organization Contact: (916) 227-7302
Type of Sample: Informational
Type of Material: Hot Mix Asphalt
Sample Taken Date: 08/06/2022
Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing: 08/06/2022
The quantity of what the sample constitutes: 24 boxes
A brief description of the sample: 3/4" HMA-A
From where was the sample collected: Source
Laboratory sample identification:
Structure unique identifier:
Structure name:
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility name: Granite Construction - Bradshaw

Material Information

HMA Type: Type A HMA
HMA Grading: 3/4 inch
Lot number:
Sublot number:
HMA Mix Number:

Test Results

Test 1 of 5

DIME Test ID: 2022-08-06-17-1
Test Method: ASTM D8360-22: Standard Test Method for Determination of Rutting Tolerance Index of Asphalt Mixture Using the Ideal Rutting Test (Rutting Tolerance)
Submitted By Organization: CT HQ - Sacramento Hot Mix Asphalt Laboratory
Organization Address: 5900 Folsom Boulevard, Room 225,
Organization City: Sacramento
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 95819
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: (916) 227-7302
Data has not been verified.

Test 2 of 5

DIME Test ID: 2022-08-06-17-2
Test Method: AASHTO T283-14: Standard Method of Test for Resistance of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures to Moisture-Induced Damage (Moisture Content)
Submitted By Organization: CT HQ - Sacramento Hot Mix Asphalt Laboratory
Organization Address: 5900 Folsom Boulevard, Room 225,
Organization City: Sacramento
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 95819
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: (916) 227-7302
Data has not been verified.

Test 3 of 5

DIME Test ID: 2022-08-06-17-3
Test Method: CTM 389-19: Method of Test for Hamburg Wheel-Track Testing of Compacted Hot Mix Asphalt
Submitted By Organization: CT HQ - Sacramento Hot Mix Asphalt Laboratory
Organization Address: 5900 Folsom Boulevard, Room 225,
Organization City: Sacramento
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 95819
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: (916) 227-7302
Data has not been verified.

Test 4 of 5

DIME Test ID: 2022-08-06-17-4
Test Method: ASTM D8225-19: Standard Test Method For Determination Of Cracking Tolerance Index Of Asphalt Mixture Using The Indirect Tensile Cracking Test At Intermediate Temperature
Submitted By Organization: CT HQ - Sacramento Hot Mix Asphalt Laboratory
Organization Address: 5900 Folsom Boulevard, Room 225,
Organization City: Sacramento
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 95819
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: (916) 227-7302
Data has not been verified.

Test 5 of 5

DIME Test ID: 2022-08-06-17-5
Test Method: ASTM D8225-19: Standard Test Method For Determination Of Cracking Tolerance Index Of Asphalt Mixture Using The Indirect Tensile Cracking Test At Intermediate Temperature
Submitted By Organization: CT HQ - Sacramento Hot Mix Asphalt Laboratory
Organization Address: 5900 Folsom Boulevard, Room 225,
Organization City: Sacramento
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 95819
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: (916) 227-7302
Data has not been verified.