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Sample Record for 2023-11-08-9

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Project Information

Project ID: 994245 DEA: 051H4304 EFIS: 0516000073 QA Service Level: 1
DIST-CO-RTE-PM: 05-SB-101-21.4/21.9
Work Description: San Jose Creek Bridge replacement
Contractor Address: 6413 32nd Street, North Highlands, Ca 95660
Resident Engineer: Manny Yogarajah Structure Rep.: Fabian Velasco

Sample Information

DIME Sample ID: 2023-11-08-9
TL Number from the TL Form:
Sample Submitted By Organization: CT HQ - QASI Los Angeles Field Office
Sample Organization Contact: (858) 285-5797
Type of Sample: Quality Assurance
Type of Material: SMTL TM5 - Welded Hoops
Sample Taken Date: 11/08/2023
Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing: 11/09/2023
The quantity of what the sample constitutes: 10 Lots (1500 Hoops)
A brief description of the sample: #6 X 1'-6" Ultimate Welded Hoops Lot 76 thru Lot 81
From where was the sample collected: Fabricator
Laboratory sample identification:
Structure unique identifier:
Structure name:
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility name: RKR Steel Welding

Material Information

Production or Authorization Testing: Production Testing
Service or Ultimate: Ultimate
Rebar Heat Number(s): 1202049061
Hoop Manufacturer Lot Number(s): Lots 95, 101
Material Standard Code: ASTM A706
Material Grade: 60
Rebar Size: #6
Diameter of Hoop: 1'-6"
Epoxy Coated: No
Epoxy Coating Color: NA
Rebar Manufacturer: Nucor Utah
Welding Company: RKR Steel Welding
Coating Standards: Uncoated
Weld Type: Flash Welded

Test Results

Test 1 of 6

DIME Test ID: 2023-11-08-9-1
Test Method: CTM 670-December 2013: Method of Tests for Mechanical and Welded Reinforcing Steel Splices (Tensile)
Verified Date: 11/13/2023
Date Tested: 11/09/2023
Submitted By Organization: CT HQ - Sacramento Structural Materials Testing Laboratory
Organization Address: 5900 Folsom Boulevard,
Organization City: Sacramento
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 95819
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: (530) 329-6527
General Comments for this Test: Ok Necking
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Number of Samples 1
SampleMfg. Lot Number(s)SizeArea (sqin)Peak Load (lbf)Peak Stress (psi)CommentsTested By
11016/19mm0.4441303.1893871Ok Neckingrmacias
UTM 400kip
Temperature 72 f

Test 2 of 6

DIME Test ID: 2023-11-08-9-2
Test Method: CTM 670-December 2013: Method of Tests for Mechanical and Welded Reinforcing Steel Splices (Tensile)
Verified Date: 11/13/2023
Date Tested: 11/09/2023
Submitted By Organization: CT HQ - Sacramento Structural Materials Testing Laboratory
Organization Address: 5900 Folsom Boulevard,
Organization City: Sacramento
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 95819
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: (530) 329-6527
General Comments for this Test: Ok Necking
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Number of Samples 1
SampleMfg. Lot Number(s)SizeArea (sqin)Peak Load (lbf)Peak Stress (psi)CommentsTested By
21016/19mm0.4440571.5592208Ok Neckingrmacias
UTM 400kip
Temperature 72 f

Test 3 of 6

DIME Test ID: 2023-11-08-9-3
Test Method: CTM 670-December 2013: Method of Tests for Mechanical and Welded Reinforcing Steel Splices (Tensile)
Verified Date: 11/13/2023
Date Tested: 11/09/2023
Submitted By Organization: CT HQ - Sacramento Structural Materials Testing Laboratory
Organization Address: 5900 Folsom Boulevard,
Organization City: Sacramento
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 95819
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: (530) 329-6527
General Comments for this Test: Ok Necking
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Number of Samples 1
SampleMfg. Lot Number(s)SizeArea (sqin)Peak Load (lbf)Peak Stress (psi)CommentsTested By
31016/19mm0.4441272.8093802Ok Neckingrmacias
UTM 400kip
Temperature 72 f

Test 4 of 6

DIME Test ID: 2023-11-08-9-4
Test Method: CTM 670-December 2013: Method of Tests for Mechanical and Welded Reinforcing Steel Splices (Tensile)
Verified Date: 11/13/2023
Date Tested: 11/09/2023
Submitted By Organization: CT HQ - Sacramento Structural Materials Testing Laboratory
Organization Address: 5900 Folsom Boulevard,
Organization City: Sacramento
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 95819
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: (530) 329-6527
General Comments for this Test: Ok Necking
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Number of Samples 1
SampleMfg. Lot Number(s)SizeArea (sqin)Peak Load (lbf)Peak Stress (psi)CommentsTested By
1956/19mm0.4440102.4291142Ok Neckingrmacias
UTM 400kip
Temperature 72 f

Test 5 of 6

DIME Test ID: 2023-11-08-9-5
Test Method: CTM 670-December 2013: Method of Tests for Mechanical and Welded Reinforcing Steel Splices (Tensile)
Verified Date: 11/13/2023
Date Tested: 11/09/2023
Submitted By Organization: CT HQ - Sacramento Structural Materials Testing Laboratory
Organization Address: 5900 Folsom Boulevard,
Organization City: Sacramento
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 95819
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: (530) 329-6527
General Comments for this Test: Ok Necking
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Number of Samples 1
SampleMfg. Lot Number(s)SizeArea (sqin)Peak Load (lbf)Peak Stress (psi)CommentsTested By
2956/19mm0.4441477.9394268Ok Neckingrmacias
UTM 400kip
Temperature 72 f

Test 6 of 6

DIME Test ID: 2023-11-08-9-6
Test Method: CTM 670-December 2013: Method of Tests for Mechanical and Welded Reinforcing Steel Splices (Tensile)
Verified Date: 11/13/2023
Date Tested: 11/09/2023
Submitted By Organization: CT HQ - Sacramento Structural Materials Testing Laboratory
Organization Address: 5900 Folsom Boulevard,
Organization City: Sacramento
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 95819
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: (530) 329-6527
General Comments for this Test: Ok Necking
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Number of Samples 1
SampleMfg. Lot Number(s)SizeArea (sqin)Peak Load (lbf)Peak Stress (psi)CommentsTested By
3956/19mm0.4441247.4693744Ok Neckingrmacias
UTM 400kip
Temperature 72 f