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Sample Record for 2023-10-10-9

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Project Information

Project ID: 995173 MINOR: 06A2922 QA Service Level: 1
DIST-CO-RTE-PM: 06-KER-178-R40.6
Work Description: Cold plane AC pavement and place HMA (Type A)
Location Description: Construction in Kern County at Bodfish Maintenance Station
Contractor Name: Garcia Paving Incorporated
Contractor Address: 6713 West Rialto Avenue, Fresno, CA 93723
Resident Engineer: Samuel Garcia Structure Rep.: Unknown

Sample Information

DIME Sample ID: 2023-10-10-9
TL Number from the TL Form:
Sample Submitted By Organization: CT D06 - Bakersfield Field Laboratory
Sample Organization Contact: 661-549-8281
Type of Sample: Department Acceptance
Type of Material: Hot Mix Asphalt
Sample Taken Date: 10/10/2023
Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing: 10/10/2023
The quantity of what the sample constitutes: 750 Tons
A brief description of the sample: HMA type A
From where was the sample collected: Source
Laboratory sample identification:
Structure unique identifier:
Structure name:
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility name: Granite Solari

Material Information

HMA Type: Type A HMA
HMA Grading: 3/4 inch
Lot number: 1
Sublot number: 1
HMA Mix Number: 1468

Test Results

Test 1 of 2

DIME Test ID: 2023-10-10-9-1
Test Method: AASHTO T308-10: Standard Method of Test for Determining the Asphalt Binder Content of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) by the Ignition Method (Method A) (Asphalt Binder Content)
Verified Date: 10/10/2023
Date Tested: 10/10/2023
Submitted By Organization: CT D06 - Bakersfield Field Laboratory
Organization Address: 1824 Norris Road,
Organization City: Bakersfield
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 93308
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: (661) 549-8281
General Comments for this Test: L1SL1
Test Result Compliance: complies
Additional Comments When Verified:
What temperature unit is used? Fahrenheit
Test procedure used? Method A
Mass of the specimen basket assembly 3946.8 g
Mass of the specimen and specimen basket assembly prior to ignition 5967.4 g
Mass of HMA Sample prior to ignition 2020.6 g
Corrected Asphalt Binder Content 4.56 %
Mass Loss 100.5 g
Mass of aggregate remaining after ignition 1920.1 g
Correction Factor (Percent by mass of HMA Specimen) 0.41 %
Moisture Content 0.00 %
Temperature Compensation Factor 0.00 %
Test Temperature 538 F

Test 2 of 2

DIME Test ID: 2023-10-10-9-2
Test Method: AASHTO T275-07r12: Standard Method of Test for Bulk Specific Gravity (Gmb) of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures Using Paraffin-Coated Specimens (Bulk Specific Gravity)
Verified Date: 10/16/2023
Date Tested: 10/16/2023
Submitted By Organization: CT D06 - Bakersfield Field Laboratory
Organization Address: 1824 Norris Road,
Organization City: Bakersfield
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 93308
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: (661) 549-8281
General Comments for this Test: 1A= 95.5%, 1B= 95.6%
Test Result Compliance: complies
Additional Comments When Verified:
Bulk Specific Gravity 2.409
Bulk Specific Gravity 2 2.412
Average Bulk Specific Gravity 2.411