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Sample Record for 2023-08-17-66

Note: Fields with no data or with a value of "Unknown" will not be displayed on the print out.

Project Information

Project ID: 44444 DEA: ASCP EFIS: ASCP QA Service Level:
Work Description: Special project for submitting Sample information for Asphalt Supplier Certification Program.
Location Description:
Contractor Name: Unknown
Contractor Address: Unknown
Resident Engineer: Unknown Structure Rep.: Unknown

Sample Information

DIME Sample ID: 2023-08-17-66
TL Number from the TL Form:
Sample Submitted By Organization: Vector-horizon Associates Incorporated
Sample Organization Contact: 1 (760) 535-1056
Type of Sample: Quality Control
Type of Material: Asphalt Binder
Sample Taken Date: 08/17/2023
Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing: 08/17/2023
The quantity of what the sample constitutes: 1 of 1
A brief description of the sample: Tank 20
From where was the sample collected: Manufacturer
Laboratory sample identification: V641608233
Structure unique identifier:
Structure name:
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility name: Corona, CA

Material Information

Performance Grade: PG 64-16
Lot number:
Sublot number:
Tank number:
Time of sample:
HMA Supplier:
Certified Asphalt Supplier: Vector Horizon Associates Incorporated - Corona CA
Multigrade: Yes
Multigrade Type: PG 64-16 / PG 64-10
Asphalt Binder Mix Number:

Test Results

Test 1 of 9

DIME Test ID: 2023-08-17-66-1
Test Method: AASHTO T316-17: Standard Method of Test for Viscosity Determination of Asphalt Binder Using Rotational Viscometer
Verified Date: 09/12/2023
Date Tested: 09/12/2023
Submitted By Organization: Vector-horizon Associates Incorporated
Organization Address: 44 Cantar Street,
Organization City: Rancho Mission Viejo
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 92694
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: 1 (760) 535-1056
General Comments for this Test: Submitted from ASCP bulk upload.
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Is viscosity reading in cP/Pa-s? Pa-s
Time of test no data HH:MM
Test Temperature 0 C
Speed 0 rpm
Spindle size no data in
Torque 0 %
Viscosity reading #1 (A) no data
Viscosity reading #2 (B) no data
Viscosity reading #3 (C) no data
Average viscosity 0.399 Pa-s

Test 2 of 9

DIME Test ID: 2023-08-17-66-2
Test Method: AASHTO T48-18: Standard Method of Test for Flash Point of Asphalt Binder by Cleveland Open Cup
Verified Date: 09/12/2023
Date Tested: 09/12/2023
Submitted By Organization: Vector-horizon Associates Incorporated
Organization Address: 44 Cantar Street,
Organization City: Rancho Mission Viejo
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 92694
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: 1 (760) 535-1056
General Comments for this Test: Submitted from ASCP bulk upload.
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Units of measurement for Observed Flash Point (C or F) and Ambient barometric pressure (kP or mmHg) Celsius and mmHg
Observed Flash Point no data
Ambient Barometric Pressure no data
Cleveland Open-Cup Flash Point in Celsius 321 C

Test 3 of 9

DIME Test ID: 2023-08-17-66-3
Test Method: AASHTO T51-22: Standard Method of Test for Ductility of Asphalt Materials (Asphalt Binder)
Verified Date: 09/12/2023
Date Tested: 09/12/2023
Submitted By Organization: Vector-horizon Associates Incorporated
Organization Address: 44 Cantar Street,
Organization City: Rancho Mission Viejo
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 92694
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: 1 (760) 535-1056
General Comments for this Test: Submitted from ASCP bulk upload.
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Is a normal test obtainable? Yes
Number of replicates tested One
Ductility of test #1 (D1) no data
Ductility of sample 150 cm

Test 4 of 9

DIME Test ID: 2023-08-17-66-4
Test Method: AASHTO T315-22: Standard Method of Test for Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) (Dynamic Shear)
Verified Date: 09/12/2023
Date Tested: 09/12/2023
Submitted By Organization: Vector-horizon Associates Incorporated
Organization Address: 44 Cantar Street,
Organization City: Rancho Mission Viejo
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 92694
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: 1 (760) 535-1056
General Comments for this Test: Submitted from ASCP bulk upload.
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Phase Original binder
Phase Angle (δ) (for the 10 cycles) no data
Dynamic Shear, G*/sin(δ) 1.42 kPa

Test 5 of 9

DIME Test ID: 2023-08-17-66-5
Test Method: AASHTO T240-17: Standard Method of Test for Effect of Heat and Air on a Moving Film of Asphalt Binder (Rolling Thin-Film Oven Test)
Verified Date: 09/12/2023
Date Tested: 09/12/2023
Submitted By Organization: Vector-horizon Associates Incorporated
Organization Address: 44 Cantar Street,
Organization City: Rancho Mission Viejo
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 92694
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: 1 (760) 535-1056
General Comments for this Test: Submitted from ASCP bulk upload.
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Is mass change based on one or two containers? One
Average mass change -0.129 percent

Test 6 of 9

DIME Test ID: 2023-08-17-66-6
Test Method: AASHTO T315-22: Standard Method of Test for Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) (Dynamic Shear)
Verified Date: 09/12/2023
Date Tested: 09/12/2023
Submitted By Organization: Vector-horizon Associates Incorporated
Organization Address: 44 Cantar Street,
Organization City: Rancho Mission Viejo
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 92694
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: 1 (760) 535-1056
General Comments for this Test: Submitted from ASCP bulk upload.
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Phase RTFO residue
Phase Angle (δ) (for the 10 cycles) no data
Dynamic Shear, G*/sin(δ) 2.84 kPa

Test 7 of 9

DIME Test ID: 2023-08-17-66-7
Test Method: AASHTO T315-22: Standard Method of Test for Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) (Dynamic Shear)
Verified Date: 09/12/2023
Date Tested: 09/12/2023
Submitted By Organization: Vector-horizon Associates Incorporated
Organization Address: 44 Cantar Street,
Organization City: Rancho Mission Viejo
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 92694
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: 1 (760) 535-1056
General Comments for this Test: Submitted from ASCP bulk upload.
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Phase PAV residue
Test Plate Diameter no data
Phase Angle (δ) (for the 10 cycles) no data
(G*) x sin(δ)= 3675 kPa

Test 8 of 9

DIME Test ID: 2023-08-17-66-8
Test Method: AASHTO T313-22: Standard Method of Test for Determining the Flexural Creep Stiffness of Asphalt Binder Using the Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR)
Verified Date: 09/12/2023
Date Tested: 09/12/2023
Submitted By Organization: Vector-horizon Associates Incorporated
Organization Address: 44 Cantar Street,
Organization City: Rancho Mission Viejo
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 92694
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: 1 (760) 535-1056
General Comments for this Test: Submitted from ASCP bulk upload.
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Time test started no data
Flags issued by software during test no data
Correlation coefficient (R²) 0
Regression coefficient a no data
Regression coefficient b no data
Regression coefficient c no data
Load at time 0.0 0.0 mN
Deflection at time 0.0 s 0.000 µm
Load at time 0.5 s 0.0 mN
Deflection at time 0.5 s 0.000 µm
Load at 60.0 s 0.0 mN
Beam deflection 60.0 s 0.000 µm
Measured Stiffness Modulus 60.0 s no data
Estimated Stiffness Modulus 60.0 s 140.000 mPa
Difference between stiffness moduli 60.0 s no data
Estimated m-value 60.0 s no data

Test 9 of 9

DIME Test ID: 2023-08-17-66-9
Test Method: AASHTO T313-22: Standard Method of Test for Determining the Flexural Creep Stiffness of Asphalt Binder Using the Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR)
Verified Date: 09/12/2023
Date Tested: 09/12/2023
Submitted By Organization: Vector-horizon Associates Incorporated
Organization Address: 44 Cantar Street,
Organization City: Rancho Mission Viejo
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 92694
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: 1 (760) 535-1056
General Comments for this Test: Submitted from ASCP bulk upload.
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
Time test started no data
Flags issued by software during test no data
Correlation coefficient (R²) 0
Regression coefficient a no data
Regression coefficient b no data
Regression coefficient c no data
Load at time 0.0 0.0 mN
Deflection at time 0.0 s 0.000 µm
Load at time 0.5 s 0.0 mN
Deflection at time 0.5 s 0.000 µm
Load at 60.0 s 0.0 mN
Beam deflection 60.0 s 0.000 µm
Measured Stiffness Modulus 60.0 s no data
Estimated Stiffness Modulus 60.0 s no data
Difference between stiffness moduli 60.0 s no data
Estimated m-value 60.0 s 0.466