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Sample Record for 2022-11-10-16

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Project Information

Project ID: 994220 DEA: 024J3204 EFIS: 0223000012 QA Service Level: 1
DIST-CO-RTE-PM: 02-SIS/SIS-96-0/105.82
Work Description: Remove and dispose of hazard trees, replace burnt wood posts, replace damaged culverts, install system hardening components (drainage, slopes, etc.) repair/replace damaged pavement, repair bridge damage and other miscellaneous associated items of work.
Location Description:
Contractor Name: HAYES & SONS, INC.
Contractor Address: PO BOX 258, HAPPY CAMP, CA 96039
Resident Engineer: Nicole Mallory Structure Rep.: Jacob Back

Sample Information

DIME Sample ID: 2022-11-10-16
TL Number from the TL Form: C926092
Sample Submitted By Organization: CT HQ - QASI Bay Area Field Office
Sample Organization Contact: (916) 284-6784
Type of Sample: Quality Assurance
Type of Material: SMTL TM3 - Fastener Assembly
Sample Taken Date: 11/10/2022
Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing:
The quantity of what the sample constitutes: 26 ea
A brief description of the sample: 7/8 x3 3/4 A325 HDG fastener assemblies
From where was the sample collected: Distributor
Laboratory sample identification:
Structure unique identifier:
Structure name:
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility name: Bay Bolt

Material Information

Rocap Number(s): 0176-04
Heat Number(s): bolt 100786789 nut 8000014475 washer C72845
Nut Mfg. Lot Number(s): 472199B
Washer Mfg. Lot Number(s): 150284
Bolt Specification: A325
Bolt Length(s): 3 3/4"
Nut Specification: A563grDH
Washer Specification: F436
Finish: HDG
Diameter/Size: 7/8
Bolt Mfg. Lot Number: 392616A
Rocap Test Requirement(s): yes
Lubricant Requirements(s): yes

Test Results