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Sample Record for 2020-10-07-43

Note: Fields with no data or with a value of "Unknown" will not be displayed on the print out.

Project Information

Project ID: 66666 DEA: APP EFIS: 0019000052 QA Service Level:
Work Description: Special project for submitting Sample information for Aggregate Pre-approval Program (APP). Object Code: 1025. J2 DEA: 912680.
Location Description:
Contractor Name: Unknown
Contractor Address: Unknown
Resident Engineer: Unknown Structure Rep.: Unknown

Sample Information

DIME Sample ID: 2020-10-07-43
TL Number from the TL Form: Twining Long Beach
Sample Submitted By Organization: Coast Aggregates
Sample Organization Contact: 714-393-3853
Type of Sample: Aggregate Prequalification Program
Type of Material: Aggregate
Sample Taken Date: 10/07/2020
Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing: 10/09/2020
The quantity of what the sample constitutes: 10 5 gallon buckets of each material
A brief description of the sample: Split samples of 1", 3/8" & washed concrete sand
From where was the sample collected: Source
Laboratory sample identification: 1707511
Structure unique identifier:
Structure name: N / A
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility name: Coast Aggregates, Big Rock

Material Information

Source Identification (SMARA, name of Pit or Job Site): 91-19-0054::BIG ROCK CREEK - LEBATA
The fabricator's/manufacturer's product name for the sample: Big Rock C33 Samples
The fabricator/manufacturer designation for the sample: Big Rock C33 Split Sample
The plant number: NA
A detailed description of where the material sample was collected: From stockpiles at source
Where the material sample would have been placed if not sampled: Loaded into Transportation Units
Primary Aggregate Nominal Size: 1 inch
The concrete mix design number: NA
Lot number: 1
Sublot number: 1
Aggregate Mix Number:

Test Results

Test 1 of 1

DIME Test ID: 2020-10-07-43-1
Test Method: ASTM C88-5: Standard Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate
Verified Date: 09/20/2021
Date Tested: 10/20/2020
Submitted By Organization: Coast Aggregates
Organization Address: 25901 Towne Centre Drive,
Organization City: Foothill Ranch
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 92610
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: (714) 393-3853
General Comments for this Test:
Test Result Compliance:
Additional Comments When Verified:
What type of solution was used? Sodium sulfate
What was the condition of the solution? Freshly prepared
Mass of sample retained on the 3.5 in. sieve (before immersion) no data0 grams
Mass of sample retained on the 3 in. sieve (before immersion) no data0 grams
Mass of sample retained on the 2.5 in. sieve (before immersion) no data0 grams
Mass of sample retained on the 2 in. sieve (before immersion) no data0 grams
Mass of sample retained on the 1.5 in. sieve (before immersion) no data0 grams
Mass of sample retained on the 1 in. sieve (before immersion) no data0 grams
Mass of sample retained on the 3/4 in. sieve (before immersion) 60.12 grams
Mass of sample retained on the 1/2 in. sieve (before immersion) 461.42 grams
Mass of sample retained on the 3/8 in. sieve (before immersion) 331.02 grams
Mass of sample retained on the #4 sieve (before immersion) 21.14 grams
Percent loss from sample retained on the 3.5 in. sieve no data0 %
Percent loss from sample retained on the 3.0 in. sieve no data0 %
Percent loss from sample retained on the 2 ½ in. x 1 ½ in. sieve no data0 %
Percent loss from sample retained on the 1 ½ in. x ¾ in. sieve no data0 %
Percent loss from sample retained on the ¾ in. x ⅜ in. sieve no data0 %
Percent loss from sample retained on the ⅜ in. x No. 4 sieve no data0 %
Percent loss from sample retained on the No. 4 x 8 sieve (coarse) no data0 %
Percent of split particles between 3/4 in and 1 1/2 in. no data0 %
Percent of crumbled particles between 3/4 in and 1 1/2 in. no data0 %
Percent of cracked particles between 3/4 in and 1 1/2 in. no data0 %
Percent of flaked particles between 3/4 in and 1 1/2 in. no data0 %
Percent of split particles between 1 1/2 in and 2 1/2 in. no data0 %
Percent of crumbled particles between 1 1/2 in and 2 1/2 in. no data0 %
Percent of cracked particles between 1 1/2 in and 2 1/2 in. no data0 %
Percent of flaked particles between 1 1/2 in and 2 1/2 in. no data0 %
Percent of split particles between 2 1/2 in and 3 in. no data0 %
Percent of crumbled particles between 2 1/2 in and 3 in. no data0 %
Percent of cracked particles between 2 1/2 in and 3 in. no data0 %
Percent of flaked particles between 2 1/2 in and 3 in. no data0 %
Percent of split particles between 3 in and 3 1/2 in. no data0 %
Percent of crumbled particles between 3 in and 3 1/2 in. no data0 %
Percent of cracked particles between 3 in and 3 1/2 in. no data0 %
Percent of flaked particles between 3 in and 3 1/2 in. no data0 %
Percent of split particles between 3 1/2 in and 4 in. no data0 %
Percent of crumbled particles between 3 1/2 in and 4 in. no data0 %
Percent of cracked particles between 3 1/2 in and 4 in. no data0 %
Percent of flaked particles between 3 1/2 in and 4 in. no data0 %