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Sample Record for 2019-09-17-26

Note: Fields with no data or with a value of "Unknown" will not be displayed on the print out.

Project Information

Project ID: 214029 DEA: 07301104 EFIS: 0714000009 QA Service Level: 1
DIST-CO-RTE-PM: 07-LA-60,710-710-R2.8/11.8, 24.1/25.1
Work Description: Roadway ex, place jointed plain concrete pavement & concrete barrieres
Location Description: In Los Angeles County at avocado Heights on Route 60 from 0.5 Mile west of Route 60/710 Separation to Route 60/605 Separation AND on Route 710 from 0.5 miles south of Route 710/60 Separation to 0.5 mile north of Route 710/60 Separation.
Contractor Address: 18201 Von Karman Ave #800, Irvine, CA 92612
Resident Engineer: Sepand Minovi Structure Rep.: Rick Jensen

Sample Information

DIME Sample ID: 2019-09-17-26
TL Number from the TL Form: C664535
Sample Submitted By Organization: CT D08 - Fontana Southern Regional Laboratory
Sample Organization Contact: 213-792-4794
Type of Sample: Per Request
Type of Material: Soil
Sample Taken Date: 09/17/2019
Date that the sample was received by the laboratory/organization performing the testing: 09/19/2019
The quantity of what the sample constitutes: 2 bags
A brief description of the sample: Native Soil
From where was the sample collected: Job Site
Laboratory sample identification: 8716
Structure unique identifier:
Structure name:
The fabricator/manufacturer/facility name: Caltrans

Material Information

The fabricator's/manufacturer's product name for the sample: Unknown
The fabricator/manufacturer designation for the sample: Unknown
A detailed description of where the material sample was collected: EB Rte 60 Right Shoulder Wilcox Ave
Where the material sample would have been placed if not sampled: Unknown

Test Results

Test 1 of 1

DIME Test ID: 2019-09-17-26-3
Test Method: CTM 301-March 2000: Method for Determining the Resistance "R" Value of Treated and Untreated Bases, Subbases, and Basement Soils by the Stabilometer
Verified Date: 10/15/2019
Date Tested: 09/24/2019
Submitted By Organization: CT D08 - Fontana Southern Regional Laboratory
Organization Address: 13970 Victoria Street,
Organization City: Fontana
Organization State: CA
Organization Zipcode: 92336
Organization Email:
Organization Phone: (909) 829-3029
General Comments for this Test:
Test Result Compliance: not applicable
Additional Comments When Verified:
How will the R value be determined? By stabilometer
As Received Gradation, Percent Passing 3 in. sieve 100 %
As Received Gradation, Percent Passing 2 1/2 in. sieve 100 %
As Received Gradation, Percent Passing 2 in. sieve 100 %
As Received Gradation, Percent Passing 1 1/2 in. sieve 99 %
As Received Gradation, Percent Passing 1 in. sieve 98 %
As Received Gradation, Percent Passing 3/4 in. sieve 95 %
As Received Gradation, Percent Passing 1/2 in. sieve 89 %
As Received Gradation, Percent Passing 3/8 in. sieve 82 %
As Received Gradation, Percent Passing #4 sieve 64 %
As Received Gradation, Percent Passing #8 sieve 47 %
As Received Gradation, Percent Passing #16 sieve 37 %
As Received Gradation, Percent Passing #30 sieve 29 %
As Received Gradation, Percent Passing #50 sieve 20 %
As Received Gradation, Percent Passing #100 sieve 13 %
As Received Gradation, Percent Passing #200 sieve 8.3 %
As Used Gradation, Percent Passing 3 in. sieve 100 %
As Used Gradation, Percent Passing 2 1/2 in. sieve 100 %
As Used Gradation, Percent Passing 2 in. sieve 100 %
As Used Gradation, Percent Passing 1 1/2 in. sieve 99 %
As Used Gradation, Percent Passing 1 in. sieve 98 %
As Used Gradation, Percent Passing 3/4 in. sieve 95 %
As Used Gradation, Percent Passing 1/2 in. sieve 89 %
As Used Gradation, Percent Passing 3/8 in. sieve 82 %
As Used Gradation, Percent Passing #4 sieve 64 %
As Used Gradation, Percent Passing #8 sieve 47 %
As Used Gradation, Percent Passing #16 sieve 37 %
As Used Gradation, Percent Passing #30 sieve 29 %
As Used Gradation, Percent Passing #50 sieve 20 %
As Used Gradation, Percent Passing #100 sieve 13 %
As Used Gradation, Percent Passing #200 sieve 8.3 %
R value 74

Tests Assigned to this Sample

DIME Test IDTest MethodAssigned DateTest DateAssigned ByAssigned LabTest CommentsAssigned To
2019-09-17-26-1CTM 202-November 2011: Method of Test for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates10/15/2019Not scheduledNader Rashidi-GhaderCT D08 - Fontana Southern Regional Laboratory
2019-09-17-26-2CTM 301-March 2000: Method for Determining the Resistance "R" Value of Treated and Untreated Bases, Subbases, and Basement Soils by the Stabilometer10/15/2019Not scheduledNader Rashidi-GhaderCT D08 - Fontana Southern Regional Laboratory