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Displaying 17641-17650 of 17758 results.
Project IDProject IdentifiersDIST-CO-RTE-PMWork DescriptionLocation DescriptionCaltrans Closeout DateMETS Service LevelActions
213473Project ID: 213473
Permit Numbers: 0717NMC0725 07176DP2028 0717NRW2377 07186RT0795
07--105-9.788/9.788Addition of a pedestrian crosswalk on south side of the intersection to accommodate the proposed pedestrian crosswalk. Signal modifications, activated push button installation, curb return, sidewalk and curb ramp modifications. Existing median will be adjusted to accommodate the proposed crosswalWillowbrook Ave east, NA06/17/20211 (06/17/2021)Details CEM-3701 Report
209048Project ID: 209048
DEA: 07234004
EFIS: 0700000394
Permit Numbers: 0712NMC1924
07-LA-405-9.3/9.9Modification at I-405 ramp and Wilmington Ave.Wilmington Ave., Carson08/19/20211 (11/08/2013)Details CEM-3701 Report
212629Project ID: 212629
Permit Numbers: 08166MC0489 08186RW0070
08-RIV-79-18.47/18.47Enter onto State Route 79 (SR-79) right-of-way at the intersection of Stetson Avenue in the County of Riverside to repave and widen highway with HMA overlay; install new landscape and irrigation, new signal and lighting, signage, pavement delineation, striping; construct new curb, gutters, sidewalkWinchester Road & Stetson Avenue, Hemet06/23/20211 (03/20/2018)Details CEM-3701 Report
993142Project ID: 993142
Permit Numbers: 08196CD0860 08216RT0988
08---4.7/-1Enter onto State Route 79 (SR-79) right-of-way at Murrieta Hot Springs Road in the Cityof Murrieta to construct widened pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk, curb ramp, installstreet light, restripe, modify signal, and install new landscaping/irrigation as per plansdate stamped, August 11, 2020 by tWinchester Road, Murrieta 1 (09/08/2021)Details CEM-3701 Report
994826Project ID: 994826
EFIS: 0000020505
Permit Numbers: 08216MC0215 08236MC0122
08---15.915/15.824Enter onto State Route 79 (SR-79) right-of-way at Domenigoni Parkway in the County of Riverside to construct street improvements that includes a right-in/right-out access driveway, new sidewalks, street lights, and signal modifications as per plans date stamped, May 12, 2022 by the Caltrans DistricWinchester Road, Riverside County 1 (05/15/2023)Details CEM-3701 Report
2019Project ID: 2019
DEA: 04219934
EFIS: 0400000636
04-SON-101-31.2/31.50406-6DP-1216 (Contractor's permit number); 0406-NMC-0350 (original permit issued to the town of Windsor) 0406-NRD-1253 (a rider reflecting some District directed change)WINDSOR-ARATA LANE INTERCHANGE PROJECT PHASE 2A06/08/20201 (05/11/2007)Details CEM-3701 Report
210562Project ID: 210562
DEA: 031C2114
EFIS: 0314000213
03-SAC-5-VarRiverfront Reconnection Project - Phase 1Within in the City of Sacramento03/23/20202 (07/15/2015)Details CEM-3701 Report
209392Project ID: 209392
DEA: 074X2104
EFIS: 0714000195
07-LA-210,134-15.6/20.3,5.9,13.0LA-210-WATER CONSERVATIONWithin Los Angeles County08/01/2018NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
209510Project ID: 209510
DEA: 074X2404
EFIS: 0714000206
07-VEN-33-22.16,32.4Repair slope failureWithin Los Padres National Forest about 10 miles north of the City of Ojai in northwestern Ventura County06/24/20141 (04/22/2014)Details CEM-3701 Report
6398Project ID: 6398
Permit Numbers: 12036RC0459
12-ORA-1-24.7Relocate traffic signalWithin State Right of Wayon NB PCH between Main and 6th Streets in City of Huntington Beach09/08/2016NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report