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Displaying 16121-16130 of 17751 results.
Project IDProject IdentifiersDIST-CO-RTE-PMWork DescriptionLocation DescriptionCaltrans Closeout DateMETS Service LevelActions
214526Project ID: 214526
Permit Numbers: 07176US2118 07196RW1300 07196RT2343
07---26AT&T is proposing to place a new 1/4" Tapered 10-+ DIAx 22'-0" Tall Rpund Steel Monople. Place (2) RRU Radios & (2) 55" Panel Antennas Mounted to pole. Place (1) 26.25"x23.25"x8" Conc. PAD W/(1) 22.25"x19.25"x57" MYERS ELECT. METER PED. PlaceSepulveda Blvd, El Segundo06/17/20211 (06/17/2021)Details CEM-3701 Report
209601Project ID: 209601
Permit Numbers: 0713NMC1609 07156DP0409 0714NRT2504
07-LA-1-23.4/23.4modifying the northwest corner of Route 1 (Sepulveda Blvd.) and Marine Avenue due to roadway widening on Marine Ave.; work in State R/W includes a new curb ramp, sidewalk, traffic signal pole modification, new pavement sections, and traffic controls; all work in the city of Manhattan BeachSepulveda Blvd, Manhattan Beach07/31/20181 (06/17/2014)Details CEM-3701 Report
214484Project ID: 214484
Permit Numbers: 0718NSN1458
07---22.64Removal and replacement of traffic signal poles and equipment, loop detectors, pedestrians push buttons, curb ramps, sidewalk, and related signing and striping on Sepulveda Boulevard (Route 1) at 8th Street, in city of Manhattan Beach.Sepulveda Blvd, Manhattan Beach NOT VERIFIEDDetails CEM-3701 Report
3650Project ID: 3650
EFIS: 0000001155
Permit Numbers: 07086MC1241
07-LA-1-23.421/23.421Widening the curb return on the northeast corner of Route 1 (Sepulveda Boulevard) at Marine Avenue due to an additional left-turn lane on westbound Marine Avenue, in the city of Manhattan Beach; work to include partial reconstruction of the intersection sSepulveda Blvd. (Rte. 1), Manhattan Beach03/25/20131 (03/25/2013)Details CEM-3701 Report
215112Project ID: 215112
Permit Numbers: 0719AOP0170 0719ART1444
07---32.17/32.25To install a decorative metal panel to block the view of freeway from the neighbors on the north side of cemetery, and provide new transition for the concrete barrier adjacent to the existing barrier wall need to be widened by approximately 1'-6".Project Code: 0700000107Phase: 3Subobject: 1Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles06/08/20221 (08/03/2020)Details CEM-3701 Report
215227Project ID: 215227
DEA: 07341804
EFIS: 0717000221
Permit Numbers: 0720AOP1098 0720ART2504
07-LA-1-26.848/-1Perform temporary traffic control; within State right of way, along SR-1 (Sepulveda Boulevard)from just north of the LAX Sepulveda Boulevard Tunnel to the SR-1/S.Sepulveda Blvd split; in the City of Los Angeles; all in accordance with current State specifications and standard plans, Encroachment PeSepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles 2 (07/29/2021)Details CEM-3701 Report
214722Project ID: 214722
EFIS: 0000020505
Permit Numbers: 0719NSN1759 07196DP3149
07---22.64Remove and replace traffic signal poles and equipment, loop detectors, pedestrians push buttons, curb ramps, sidewalk, and related signing and striping and perform temporary traffic control; within State right of way, on CA-1 (Sepulveda Blvd.), at 8th street; in the City of Manhattan Beach; all inSepulveda Boulevard, Manhattan Beach06/17/20211 (10/16/2019)Details CEM-3701 Report
215335Project ID: 215335
DEA: 07220504
EFIS: 0700020076
COOP: 072044A1
07-LA-Route 1-23.7/23.9Sepulveda Bridge Widening ProjectSEPULVEDA BRIDGE WIDENING ON STATE ROUTE 1 FROM 33RD STREET TO ROSECRANS AVENUE 2 (11/18/2020)Details CEM-3701 Report
208776Project ID: 208776
DEA: 042L6004
EFIS: 0400020847
MINOR: 04A4142
04-SF-101-7.9Install Guard PostsSF 1 (04/11/2013)Details CEM-3701 Report
1827Project ID: 1827
DEA: 04162514
04-SF-1-1.1/8.9MODIFY TRAFFIC SIGNALSSF county in SF @ Var locations from Junipero Serra Blvd. to Geary Blvd.04/20/20111 (04/20/2011)Details CEM-3701 Report