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Displaying 17741-17750 of 17908 results.
Project IDProject IdentifiersDIST-CO-RTE-PMWork DescriptionLocation DescriptionCaltrans Closeout DateMETS Service LevelActions
215203Project ID: 215203
DEA: 101C2054
10---   2 (10/23/2020)Details CEM-3701 Report
215224Project ID: 215224
DEA: 080F5444
EFIS: 0818000209
COOP: 081714
08-RIV-91-17.4/18.9Operational and safety improvements by constructing a portion of the Ultimate SR?91 CIP Project on WB SR?91 from Green River Road to SR?241 to alleviate traffic congestion in this area (ORA Post Mile R17.4 to R18.9, RIV Post Mile R0.0 to R0.6).The 91 COP consists of the following project components: adding a general purpose (GP) lane approximately 2 miles in length in the WB direction on SR?91 from Green River Road to SR?241. 2 (09/18/2020)Details CEM-3701 Report
215225Project ID: 215225
DEA: 041W4704
EFIS: 0421000021
COOP: 042828
04-SCL-152-R28.4/31.2Pacheco Reservoir Expansion project.  2 (03/12/2021)Details CEM-3701 Report
215227Project ID: 215227
DEA: 07341804
EFIS: 0717000221
Permit Numbers: 0720AOP1098 0720ART2504
07-LA-1-26.848/-1Perform temporary traffic control; within State right of way, along SR-1 (Sepulveda Boulevard)from just north of the LAX Sepulveda Boulevard Tunnel to the SR-1/S.Sepulveda Blvd split; in the City of Los Angeles; all in accordance with current State specifications and standard plans, Encroachment PeSepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles 2 (07/29/2021)Details CEM-3701 Report
215232Project ID: 215232
DEA: 101J4204
EFIS: 1018000163
10-CAL-49-7.7/8.7Install Angels Camp Sidewalks and Bike LaneIn the City of ANgels Camp at Various Locaitons07/13/20212 (11/06/2020)Details CEM-3701 Report
215233Project ID: 215233
DEA: 0413G904
COOP: 042640
04---  04/19/20212 (03/12/2021)Details CEM-3701 Report
215242Project ID: 215242
DEA: 060H3604
EFIS: 0600000935
COOP: 061720
06-FRE-99-28.1/30.9Veterans Blvd project includes 6-lane arterial roadway in NW Fresno, freeway interchange at SR-99; grade separations over the Union Pacific Railroad, HSR line & Golden State Blvd & multi-purpose trail & adaptive intelligent transportation system tech.SR 99 & Veterans Blvd Interchange Alignment between W Hendon Ave to W Shaw Ave 2 (10/15/2020)Details CEM-3701 Report
215312Project ID: 215312
DEA: 034H5800
EFIS: 0318000336
03-SAC-5-22.5/34.3I-5 Managed Lanes  2 (12/02/2020)Details CEM-3701 Report
215328Project ID: 215328
DEA: 07217204
EFIS: 0713000315
COOP: 075178
07-LA-1-15.9 to 16.2The project will widen the intersection of PCH and Hawthorne Blvd to provide three through lanes, dual left-turn lanes and a right-turn lane on all approaches. intersection improvements including construction of jointed plain concrete, new appurtenances including curb, gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps,City of Torrance in Los Angeles County (Caltrans district 7). On Route 1 (Pacific Coast Highway) from Post Mile (PM) 15.9 to PM 16.2 which corresponds to approximately 220' west of Neece Ave. to 242nd Street 2 (01/04/2021)Details CEM-3701 Report
215335Project ID: 215335
DEA: 07220504
EFIS: 0700020076
COOP: 072044A1
07-LA-Route 1-23.7/23.9Sepulveda Bridge Widening ProjectSEPULVEDA BRIDGE WIDENING ON STATE ROUTE 1 FROM 33RD STREET TO ROSECRANS AVENUE 2 (11/18/2020)Details CEM-3701 Report